Oct 242021


     Stonewall Jackson, the famous Confederate general. Though our culture is trying to re-write history, he should still be seen as an American hero, and also as a dynamic Christian personality.  He is an example to us as Christians today on how to fight in our spiritual battles and warfare.  His mommy didn’t name him “Stonewall Jackson” by the way. He was actually Thomas Jackson. He earned the name we know him by in the first major land battle of the Civil War, the Battle of Bull Run. The Confederate forces were overwhelmed. They were retreating that day – except for a group of Virginia soldiers commanded by General Jackson. They refused to give ground, with their general, mounted on his horse in the thick of the battle, inspiring them to take a stand. Well, another Confederate officer yelled, “Look! There’s Jackson standing like a stone wall!” Well, Confederate forces rallied that day behind Jackson and his Virginians, and they ended up routing the Union forces that day. And from that day on, Tom Jackson was “Stonewall Jackson”.      One person, standing firm when the battle is intense, can literally turn the tide. On the battlefield where God has assigned you, He’s counting on you to be that person. And today He’s giving you a great picture of how you can be a warrior that your General can count on – one through whom He can win some great victories. The picture is in 2 Samuel 23, beginning with verse 8. It’s our word for today from the Word of God.      It’s a description of David’s most trusted warriors – three soldiers called “David’s mighty men” – Josheb-Basshebeth, Eleazar, and Shammah. (You don’t have to memorize those. Right? Or pronounce them right?) The Bible describes how Josheb-Basshebeth “raised his spear against eight hundred men, whom he killed in one encounter.” Then it says, “Next to him was Eleazar…As one of the three mighty men, he was with David when they taunted the Philistines gathered at Pas Dammin for battle. Then the men of Israel retreated (Sounds like Stonewall’s big day, right?), but he stood his ground and struck down the Philistines “till his hand grew tired and froze to the sword”. The Lord brought a great victory that day.”      Mighty warriors emerge at times when everyone’s tired and suffering from combat fatigue – times when most people would feel like quitting. They emerge at times when the odds are overwhelming – like that one, eight hundred against one guy, and at times when most are retreating from the battle. For you, the battle might be your family, or it might be for your church, or for the right thing, for a stand that God has ordered you to take. So, what is it that makes you one of God’s mighty warriors and a soldier He can count on?      First, you defy the enemy as David’s men “taunted the Philistines.” Knowing that the devil is our real enemy, you dare to say, “I’m not going to let you win this one. Jesus, take authority over this loser and make him retreat.” Secondly, you cling to your sword. For us, the “sword of the Spirit” is “the Word of God” (Ephesians 6:17).  Your attack is by quoting the Word of God, with Authority, in the name of Jesus against the enemy.  Such strategy, used by Jesus for 40 days of temptation, resulted in the “Devil leaving him alone for a season” (Luke 4:13).  You keep fighting, holding onto what God says as tightly as Eleazar held onto the sword that became bonded to his hand.      The third step that makes you God’s conqueror is you stand shoulder to shoulder with your brothers and sisters. You know, each time God introduces the next mighty man here, He starts with “next to him.” Don’t fight alone. Don’t let anything come between you and your praying fellow-soldiers. The Roman Army never fought as isolated soldiers.  Always as a unit.  So must we.  Loyalty to Christ is loyalty to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Never forget that.     And, finally, you remember who determines the outcome of the battle. It says of the weary, outnumbered mighty men, “The Lord brought them a great victory.” They sure couldn’t have brought a great victory against those odds. But mighty spiritual warriors know that the outcome of the battle will not be decided by them. It will not be decided by their enemy. It will be decided by the King of kings, the Lord of lords.      So, no matter how intense the battle, no matter how weary the warrior, no matter how overwhelming the odds – do not retreat! With the Word of God in your hand, with your brothers and sisters by your side, with the Lord your God fighting for you, it won’t be you who retreats, because your enemy is going down!  One of the last speeches that Sir Winston Churchill made was at Fulton, Missouri.  He agreed to come if all the students would have notebooks and take down every word he spoke.  The University agreed.  After being introduced, Churchill stepped to the podium, thumbs in his coat, with all eyes and ears fastened upon him.  He began to speak…” NEVER SURRENDER.  NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!”  He then went and sat down.  But what a message!  His words remind us of Stonewall Jackson, and more than that the words of our Savior, to those fighting His battle.  We could certainly use a few “Stonewall Believers today!”

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