“Becoming whole for the whole world!”

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May 272018

PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE:  “Becoming whole for the whole world!”

By:  Ron Woodrum


     In John 5 Jesus goes to Jerusalem.  He encounters a paralytic lying beside the Pool of Bethesda.  The Aramaic word “Bethesda” means “house of mercy”.  That pool became a center for crowds of desperate persons hoping against hope that they might be the one who encountered a life-changing healing that would transform them from brokenness to blessing; helplessness to healthfulness; tragedy to triumph; suffering to salvation.  There Jesus confronted one man that had been there for 38 years!  Jesus asked him this question-“Do you want to be made whole?”  That is the business Jesus was in.  Jesus came to save the “whole” person.  The word saved-(sodzo) means to be “rescued from danger-eternal death”.  But Jesus did not just come to save us from Hell!  He came to “save us from sin” completely.  This is reflected in the question that Jesus asks him. “Do You Want to Be Made Whole” (John 5:6).  The word “whole” is the Greek word “ugies”-hugies-we get our word “hygiene” from that word.  The word itself means “to be sound, whole, in good health, restored”.  The focus of the word is that Jesus came to “save to the uttermost”.  When combined to the word-“be made”-it infers that salvation is “a process” beginning where we are and taking us to complete wholeness by the transforming power of our Savior.  We encounter Him.  He asks permission to begin His saving process.  Jesus never forces Himself on anyone.  But when we open the door to Him He begins His transforming work that has as it goal-“Completeness-Wholeness-“being transformed into His image”.  Paul spoke of this in Philippians 1:6—“He who began a good work in you will continue to perform it until the day of Jesus Christ!”  He makes us “holy” in that process to make us “whole“.  C.S. Lewis talked about how when he had a toothache, he tried to conceal it from his mother.  He often would seek an aspirin to get temporary relief from the pain, but was always found out, and taken to the dentist, which started a process that would not end until all the cavities and bad teeth had been restored or repaired, which often was more of a process than he desired.  He said that is what the Christian life is all about.  We invite Jesus in to help with a besetting sin that is of particular bother to us.  Once invited in he starts “tearing down walls, and remodeling the entire house, not to suit us, but Himself, because He is preparing us to be His dwelling place!”  That is what Jesus was asking this paralytic if He was ready for that kind of wholeness! 


     His goal is for us to be made whole before the whole world.  In his book Setting Men Free, Bruce Larson calls this the Christian’s Art of Living.  When Paul shared with King Agrippa how Jesus Christ had transformed his life, Agrippa asked Paul “Are you trying to convert me?”  Paul responded honestly, “Oh King, I wish you were just like me, except for these chains”.  Paul knew he wasn’t perfect.  But he knew he was on his way to holiness and wholeness!  He desired that for everyone He introduced to his Jesus.  Jesus provided that kind of salvation by drinking the cup the Father had given Him.  When the Mother of James and John asked for special privilege for her sons James and John, Jesus asked another question-“Can you drink of the cup I am going to drink?” (Matthew 20:22).  Can we drink of the cup?  That is the most challenging question we can ask ourselves.  The cup is the cup of life, full of sorrows and joys.  Drinking deeply from the experiences that God has for us to drink to transform us from fallenness to fullness; from sinfulness to sanctification; from carnality to completeness-all by the presence and power of Christ, through the fullness of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Henri Nouwen asks, “Can we have our cups and claim them as our own?  Can we drink down our cups…to the bottom of full salvation experience?  Keeping this question alive in us is one of the most demanding spiritual exercises we can practice”.  (Bread for the Journey).  In his book The Church Inside Out, the Dutch Missionary/Theologian J.Christiaan Hoekendijk sees this cup as experiencing three aspects of the Christian’s style of life.  He summarizes them with three Greek words.  First is “kerygma”-proclamation.  He says that the transformation to “wholeness” begins by responding to the proclamation of Jesus Christ-embracing His Incarnation, His sacrificial death for us on Calvary to atone for our sins, His resurrection from the dead, exemplifying the power that can raise us from being dead in trespasses and sin.  Now as Lord of Life, He gives to us “abundant and full life”.  Then he mentions that this process moves from “kerygma” to “koinonia”-partnership.  In union with Him, and with each other we are transformed into His image, while collectively we “growing into a Holy Temple unto the Lord”.  The third process is represented by the word “diakonia”.  This is the word for “deacon”.  Embracing the Proclaimed Christ; Being yoked to Him with the vital link of the Holy Spirit-we then join Him in serving others by reaching out to touch them and to make them whole, as we are being made whole!  Unfortunately, this is a process.  It is not always a fast-progressing process.  Bruce Larson says unfortunately some Christians remind him of “being a like a tug-boat he once saw on the Hudson River.  This tugboat was pumping bilge out at a furious rate.  I thought for sure that it would sink!  Until I realized that there was no danger of that provided that the bilge pump kept ahead of the leakage”.  To be in depth fellowship is to live like that tugboat pumping the inherent bilge out at a successful rate.  Unfortunately, we are not tight ships with no leaks from the world, but the progress and process to holiness and wholeness keeps us afloat in the Christian life.  Several years ago, one of the Church Fathers, Ignatius gave us a recipe for this transformation.  He wrote, “This is what I ask for and desire-to have an intimate knowledge of our Lord, who has become man for me; that I may love Him more; and that I may follow Him more closely”.  In the seventies that desire was put into a popular song for a Musical Godspell.  Though I certainly didn’t agree with all that it presented-the formula for being made whole was put concisely into rhyme-“Three things Dear Lord I Pray-To See Thee More Clearly-Love Thee More Dearly-Follow Thee More Nearly!”  Do you want to be made whole?  That is the way to make it a reality- “Wholeness for the Whole World to See!”



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“Jacob’s Ladder at Charing Cross?”

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May 202018

PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE: “Jacob’s Ladder at Charing Cross?”

By:  Ron Woodrum


     Author Philip Yancey tells of an experience playing chess with a master player.  He explains his rapid realization that no matter what move he made, no matter what strategy he chose, the master seemed to turn his play around to serve his own purposes.  If the truth be realized, all of us would identify with Francis Thompson, who felt the same way.  He made a lot of moves in his life that were disastrous.  He spent his life running away from God and seeking to find pleasure and fulfillment in all the wrong things.  But even during his days of drug abuse, living on the streets near England’s Charing Cross, and sleeping nights down by the river Thames, he was not alone.  He wrote a famous poem describing how he was pursued and lovingly sought by the Hound of Heaven-God, through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ!  Readers of English poetry know all about this famous poem.  You may even recall Richard Burton’s famous reading of this 189-line poem.  Francis Thompson was a child of opportunity.  His father wanted him to go to medical school and become a doctor, or to study at Oxford University.  But instead Francis was lured into the world of opiates, in the late 1800’s in England.  It was this addiction that interrupted his education and left him homeless and hopeless for several years of his life.  But even during his days of addiction he was being pursued by Christ, whom he would later, after becoming a Christian, call the Hound of Heaven.  Here are a few lines from his Immortal poem:


I fled Him down the nights and down the days

I fled Him down the arches of the years.

I fled Him down the labyrinthine way of my own mind:

And in the midst of tears.


I hid from Him, and under running laughter

Up vistaed hopes I sped

Down titantic glooms of chasmed fears

From those strong feet that followed, I fled

For though I knew His love that followed

Yet I was sore adread

That having Him I would have naught else beside.




Ah, fondest, blindest, weakest,

I am He whom thou seekest!


After his conversion, and change of life, Thompson wrote another poem expressing the same kind of pursuit that he found Jesus Christ to have for him all the days of his running.  This poem is called In No Strange Land. 


Oh world invisible, we view thee,

Oh world intangible, we touch thee,

Oh world unknowable, we know thee,

In apprehensible, we clutch thee!


Does the fish soar to find the ocean?

The eagle plunge to find the air-

That we ask the stars in motion

If they have rumor of thee there?




Not where wheeling systems darken,

And our benumbed conceiving soars! –

The drift of pinions, would we harken,

Beats at our own clay-shuttered doors.


The angels keep their ancient places-

Turn but a stone and start a wing!

Tis ye, tis your estranged faces,

That miss the many splendored thing.


But (when so sad thou canst not sadder)

Cry-and upon thy so sore loss

Shall shine the traffic of Jacob’s ladder

Pitched betwixt Heaven and Charing Cross.


Yea, in the night, my Soul; My daughter,

Cry-clinging to Heaven by the hems;

And lo, Christ is walking on the water,

Not of Genesareth, but Thames!


Thompson found that the Hound of Heaven, lowered Jacob’s Ladder right into the drug infested homeless situation he had chosen for himself there in the area surrounding England’s Charing Cross.  And late night’s spent sleeping homeless and defeated, overwhelmed with guilt, shame, and failure. He was awakened only to find Christ walking toward him on the water, not of the Sea of Galilee-but Thames!  Today’s message is words from the Hound of Heaven.  He is asking us the Soul Winning Question.  Do you not pursue at any cost the lost one that is of great value to you?  Of course, we do!  Let a child we love be lost.  We gather the entire neighborhood; all the police force; the media to spare no cost in recovering the lost child.  Even when a dog or a cat that we love is lost we print posters, offer rewards, go from house to house, neighborhood to neighborhoods searching diligently.  And we should!  Today’s message from Jesus calls us to the ultimate search of those that are lost!  Charles Haddon Spurgeon said, “If there be any one point in which the Christian Church ought to keep its fervor at a white heat, it is concerning soul-winning.  If there be anything about which we cannot tolerate Luke warmness, it is the matter of sending the gospel to a dying world!”


 Posted by at 12:07 pm

“Unbroken Til He Comes”

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May 132018

PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE: “Unbroken Til He Comes”

By:  Ron Woodrum


     In May 1897, the great American humorist and author Samuel Clemens, best known for his pen name, Mark Twain, was in London.  He was on a round-the-world speaking tour to raise money to pay off some debts due to some unsuccessful investments and publishing ventures.  While in London, someone started the rumor that Twain was gravely ill, on his deathbed, and was dying bankrupt!  Then came the rumor that he had actually died.  It was even reported in one American newspaper!  May 27th Frank Marshall White, correspondent for the New York Journal, was commissioned to determine the truth of these rumors.  He sent a cable to England to get a response from Twain.  On May 31st Twain wrote back his response.  On June 2, 1897 White wrote:  “Mark Twain was undecided whether to be amused or annoyed about the reports that he was dying in poverty in London…The great humorist, while not very robust, is in the best of health.  He said, ‘I can understand perfectly how the report of my illness got about, I have even heard on good authority that I was dead.  James Ross Clemens, a cousin of mine, was seriously ill two or three weeks ago in London but is well now.  The report of my illness grew out of his illness-THE REPORT OF MY DEATH WAS GREATLY EXAGERATED!’ ”  A few years ago I had a similar experience.  I was with my wife at Wal Mart.  I bumped into someone that I had supervised at Milliken.  He looked like he had seen a ghost!  He said, “I thought you died a couple of years ago!  I read your obituary in the Decatur paper!”  (He had actually read the obituary of my cousin Robert Woodrum…not Ronald Woodrum). We were close to the same age!  I told him that I was very much alive, and “the report of my demise had also been greatly exaggerated!”.  I am not sure I convinced him.  But imagine being pronounced dead.  Being reported Killed In Action.  Even having the president of the United States contact your parents with condolences!  That actually happened to WWII war hero Louis Zamperini.  When Zamperini’s aircraft The Green Hornet was hit, it went down in 1943.  No survivors were located.  He was pronounced dead.  President Roosevelt sent condolences to his parents in 1944.  The report of Louie’s demise was greatly exaggerated!  He went on to live for another 70 years, dying July 2, 2014, at the age of 97.  He and two other crew members drifted for 47 days, battling starvation, and shark attacks.  One died after 33 days.  Louie and pilot Phillips finally reached the Marshall Islands, only to be immediately captured by the Japanese.  The story of Zamperini’s POW survival is told in the 2014 movie Unbroken. He and several other POW’s suffered greatly at the hands of the Japanese.  They managed to survive the best they could.  Major Greg, “Pappy” Boyington, in his book Baa Baa Black Sheep, tells how Zamperini shared Italian recipes with prisoners to help them dream of rescue and return to normal while trying to keep their minds off the food and conditions in prison.  Louie had been an Olympic hero in the 1936 Olympics.  He was singled out by the leader of the prison guard Mutsuhiro “the Bird” Watanable and suffered greatly.  Louie and the rest of the prisoners lived each day holding on the promise of General Douglas MacArthur, who said, “I Will Return”.    One day, while in camp, trying to hold on, the sky filled with a cloud of airplanes, with the red, white, and blue stars and stripes…Their trust was not disappointed!

After the war, Louie suffered nightmares and PTSD.  He tried to deal with it with alcohol but was unsuccessful.  He wife Cynthia invited him to attend a Billy Graham Crusade in 1949.  He attended the same crusade that saw Stuart Hamlin come to Christ.  The same crusade that saw Mobster Jim Vaus find new life in Christ.  Louie Zapperini, remembering his prayers to the Lord while drifting at sea, and being delivered, committed his life to Christ.  He became a Christian evangelist.  He also was used of the Lord in forgiving those who tortured him during his POW days.  He even wrote a letter to Mutsuhiro Watanable forgiving him and telling him about Jesus.  No response ever came.  Four days before his 81st Birthday Zamperini ran a leg in the Olympic Torch relay for the Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, not far from the POW camp where he had been held.  In 2012 he appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and talked of his Olympics, WWII, and his faith.  In October 2018 there is a Sequel to Unbroken, titled Path To Redemption, by the makers of God Is Not Dead.  The film is a faith-based film that picks up where the first left off.  Billy Graham’s grandson Will will play the part of Graham, at the Crusade where Zamperini comes to faith.  It is expected to be a film to reach the audience with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Savior promised to return to rescue us!  Sometimes it gets hard trying to remain faithful to Him while the world. the flesh, and the devil seeks to defeat us.  Jesus addressed this very thing in our message today.  Jesus, in a chapter describing the faith of the tortured widow, who refused to grow weary, but kept on trusting until she was delivered, asked the question-“When the Son of Man Comes to Deliver His Own-will He find that kind of Faith?  That Kind of Faithfulness?”  That is the Question of the New Millennium!  Only you and I can answer that question.


 Posted by at 12:09 pm

“Don’t Let Me Miss The Glory”

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May 062018

PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE: “Don’t Let Me Miss The Glory”.

By:  Ron Woodrum


     Back in 2010 we had the privilege of attending the Bill Gaither concert at the Coliseum.  All the usual guests were there to sing all the usual songs.  It was a marvelous evening of worship and Christian fellowship.  But in the middle of the concert there was a hidden surprise.  The pianist, Gordon Mote, shared a recording of his own.  He played and sang the song Don’t Let Me Miss the Glory.  That was the highlight of the entire evening!


In the view from the mountains

There’s a story to be told

In the crashing of the ocean

There’s a power that no man will ever hold


All the stars in the Heavens

Decorate Your Handiwork

And like a mighty choir

They’ve come to celebrate Your worth


Don’t let me miss the glory

Don’t let me miss the grace

All creation is singing

To the honor of Your name


Don’t let me miss the wonder

Don’t let me miss the grand design

And the lighting and the thunder

Lord, open up my eyes

Don’t let me miss the glory!


In 1982 Larry Walters attempted to join the Air Force and to realize his life long dream of being a pilot of a fighter jet.  He wanted to become a real life Top Gun Pilot.  But Larry failed his eye exam.  His poor eyesight put the kibosh on those Top Gun dreams.  Larry was not to be denied!  He had entertained his own idea of flight for over twenty years.  He had seen some helium weather balloons hanging in an Army Surplus store.  He had an idea.  On July 2, 1982 he purchased 42 balloons…filled them with helium…tied them to his Sears and Roebuck Aluminum lawn chair, strapped on some water jugs for ballasts…packed a pellet pistol to shoot the balloons out for descent, added some sandwiches, a parachute, and a CB radio…and of course a few beers, and he was ready.  He intended to release the balloons, rise to about 100 feet in the air, level off, and travel from San Pedro, California across the desert, to the Rocky Mountains.  So he released the rope tethering his homemade aircraft he had named Inspiration I, with high hopes!  Would his experiment work?  Would it ever!  In a matter of a couple of minutes Larry was past his intended 100 feet.  He quickly ascended the heavens, at a rate of 1,000 feet a minute, to a height of 16,000 feet before leveling off!  He was way up high, and he was scared, he had lost his appetite for the sandwiches, and never gave another thought about relaxing in his chair and slamming a couple of Miller Lites!  Not at 16,000 feet!  In all the excitement he lost his glasses!  He now had another problem…he was drifting into the flight paths of incoming planes to Los Angeles International Airport.  A clearly worried Walters used his CB radio to transmit mayday calls picked up by the Airport Flight Towers.  Two TWA incoming LAX flights had already notified the Flight Tower that they just passed a man, in a lawn chair at 16,000 feet, holding a pistol in his lap!  The tower had made a radar fix on him and were tracking him.  Despite his precarious situation, after the initial shock wore off, Walters was the picture of calm.  He told those now monitoring him that he knew he was in trouble, one way or another.  He would either plunge to his death, get sucked into a jet engine, or else get busted big time when he landed!  Eventually, after mustering up enough courage, Walters began shooting out the helium balloons one at a time.  He began a slow descent, but as he descended, he lost grip on the pistol, and dropped it before he could complete the job!  Ninety minutes after lift-off from San Pedro, he was back on terra firma…well almost.  his balloons got caught in some power lines in Long Beach, knocking out electricity in several neighborhoods.  His chair was dangling 5 feet off the ground when he unhooked his homemade seat-belt and hopped down to his welcoming committee from the LAPD!  Larry was charged with “operating a civil aircraft for which there is not currently in effect an Airworthiness Certificate”.  His original fine was $4,000.  Helium balloons?  Lawn chair?  Pellet gun?  What’s not airworthy?  That charge was later reduced to $1,500 and he was charged with “operating an aircraft near an airport without establishing and maintaining two-way communications with the control tower”.

Walter’s stunt earned him his requisite “five minutes of fame”. When asked why he did this stunt? Walters replied, “A man cannot just sit around in his lawn chair!”  He was now famous as “Lawn Chair Larry”.  He appeared on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson; Late Night with David Letterman, earned a 1982 honorable mention from the Darwin Awards; He won the Bone-Head Award from the Bonehead Club of Dallas, Texas.  He appeared on a few game shows; he was featured in a Timex watch ad in the early 90’s.  The Smithsonian requested his lawn chair for its museum, but he had already given it to some neighborhood kid who had asked first!  He tried his luck as a motivational speaker, but that soon faded.  He soon withdrew from Public life and spent a lot of time hiking in the San Gabriel Mountains outside Los Angeles…and doing volunteer work for the U.S. Forest Service.  But after losing out on his dream…and enjoying his short-lived fame as “Lawn Chair Larry”, in 1993, only 44 years old, after missing the glory he longed to see, but never experienced, Walters committed suicide in the Los Angeles National Forest, shooting himself where he hurt the most, in his heart!  Missing out on the glory…he became another member of that generation LOST IN SPACE…WITH NO TIME LEFT TO START AGAIN!  A member of the tragic generation instead of the triumphant generation!  What a tragedy!  It reminded me of the words of Thomas a’Kempis who wrote, “to walk inwardly with God, and not to be held in any other outer affections, is the state of a Spiritual man”…to miss that is to miss the glory…and to miss it all.  If only a friend would have told Larry Walters that reality instead of being a member of the Lost generation, he might have belonged to the Lasting generation!  We can make a difference for eternity in the lives of those we meet and know!  If we don’t miss the glory!


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