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Mar 252018


By:  Ron Woodrum


Charles Swindoll, in his book The Grace Awakening, tells a humorous story that was told by the late J.Vernon McGee during one of his preaching assignments in Chafer Chapel at Dallas Theological Seminary.  This is what Swindoll shares, “I remember sitting in Chapel as Dr. McGee was waxing eloquent on Romans 6.  He told the story of a lady who lived in the Deep South and had a close relationship with her childhood sweetheart.  She fell in love and ultimately married him.  Their life together was not perfect, but it was rewarding.  There was faithfulness and there were times of joy.  This continued for years, until he was suddenly taken from her side with a heart attack.  Not being able to part with him visible, she decided to have him embalmed, put in a chair, sealed up in a glass case, and placed immediately inside the front door of their large plantation house. Every time she walked through the door she would smile and say-‘Hi John, How are you?’  Then she would walk up the stairs.  Things rocked along as normally as possible month after month.  There he sat day after day as she acknowledged his presence with a smile and friendly wave.  A year or so later she decided to take a lengthy trip to Europe.  It was a delightful change of scenery.  In fact, while in Europe she met a fine American gentleman who was also vacationing over there.  He swept her off her feet.  After a whirlwind romance, they got married and honeymooned all over Europe.  She said nothing of ol’John back home on the farm.  Finally they traveled back to the States.  Driving up the winding road to her home, he decided-This is my moment to lift my bride over the threshold and carry her back in her home-this wonderful place where we will live together forever!  He picked her up, bumped the door open with his hip and walked right in.  He almost dropped his bride on the floor!  ‘Who is this?’  ‘Well it is John.  My old man from’…He is history…he is dead!’  The new husband immediately dug a big hole and buried her former old man in it, case and all.” 

That is exactly what Christ has done.  However, without realizing the effect, many Christians put the old man in a case and greet him every morning and cater to him every day of their lives!  We live as if the “old man” is alive, even though the Bible says that we are dead to him, since Calvary.  He has no right to be in our conscious thinking.  We serve a New Master who has walked us across the threshold, who has awakened us to a new life, new love, and new relationship, and entirely different future.  But we still struggle with how to break the habit of thinking of and catering to the old man and start enjoying fully the benefits of our new relationship with Him.

C.S. Lewis talked of doing just that, when in Mere Christianity, he illustrated this truth in his analogy about the Tin Soldier.  Lewis says, “Imagine turning a tin soldier into a real little man.  It would involve turning his tin into flesh.  Suppose the tin soldier did not like it.  He is not interested in flesh.  All he sees is that the tin is being spoiled.  He thinks you are killing him.  He will do everything he can to prevent you.  He is an obstinate soldier.  To be obstinate is to be stubborn, and the tendency of humankind toward God is extreme stubbornness.  The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God…the natural life in each of us is something self-centered, something that likes to be petted and admired, to take advantage of other lives…and especially it wants to be left to itself:  to keep well away from anything better or stronger or higher than it, anything that might make it feel small…it knows that if the spiritual life should get hold of it, all its self-centeredness and self will are going to be killed and it is ready to fight tooth an nail to avoid that.  Yet the Second Person…the Son, became human Himself…a real man of particular height, weighing so many stone, with hair of a particular color, speaking a particular language…becoming not only a man, but before that a baby, and before that a fetus.  Think how you would like to become a crab or a slug.  The result was that now you had one man who really was what all men were intended to be:  one man in whom the created life allowed itself to be completely and perfectly turned into the begotten life…He choose an earthly career that involved the killing of His human desires at every turn-poverty, misunderstanding from His own family, betrayal by one of His intimate friends, being jeered and mishandled by the authorities, and executed by torture.  And then the Man in Christ rose again: not only the God, The whole point is just that!  For the first time we saw a real man.  One tine soldier-real tin soldier.  By the same Spirit that transformed Him He longs to transform us, to become alive, splendidly real and alive”.  Time to bury the old man.  Time to yield the old tin flesh and put on the transforming glory of the risen Christ.  II Corinthians 3:18 tells us that “we behold with unveiled faces the Lord, and are transformed from glory unto glory”…tin to transform…enjoy the process…it is glory!  Well glory!


 Posted by at 2:23 pm

“We have not seen the last of the best!”

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Mar 182018

PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE: “We have not seen the last of the best!”

By:  Ron Woodrum

Revivals have been a big part of my life for over six decades.  I was saved in September of 1968.  My parents were saved the next fall, November 1969, during a revival with Gerald Thompson as the Evangelist at the Salem Baptist Church of Decatur.  Later, after God had called me into the ministry, my very first ministry was being a bus Pastor.  But that was soon followed in 1969 with opportunities to preach youth revivals in Central Illinois.  I preached 25 youth revivals during the years of 1969-1971 averaging nearly 10 per year.  The focus of most of those revivals was for Christian youth to surrender their lives to Jesus, and witness and bring friends to the youth meetings.  Many young people came to faith in those days as the sixties welcomed the seventies! I began pastoring my first Church in May of 1971 at the age of 17.  Every Church that I have pastored over the years has had one to two revivals per year.  Over nearly 50 years of ministry I have participated in over 250 revivals, counting the ones I hosted as a Pastor of a Baptist Church, and the one I personally preached as an Evangelist.  In the eighties I averaged preaching about 8-10 revivals per year-all over Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and South Carolina, and Tennessee.  I have had the joy of witnessing revivals transform Churches collectively, and Christians individually.  I can honestly say my life was touched by every one of them.  As a young person I made it a habit to attend revivals at sister Baptist Churches, and also several other denominations-Methodist, Church of God, Assembly of God, Nazarene, Pentecostal, Bible Churches, etc.  Even though there are many that feel that revivals are a thing of the past that no longer impacts American Culture today…I strongly disagree.  Even though most revivals today reach fewer non-Christians than they used to; they still impact the people of God.  When the Church is revived…the community that surrounds it is impacted for Christ.

I want to share a few famous Christian quotes that help us understand the role that revival plays in the life of a local Church, and in the lives of the individual Christians who are identified with the Church.  J.I. Packer defines a revival as “a visitation of God which brings to life Christians who have fallen asleep spiritually, and restores a deep sense of God’s near presence and holiness.  All this ushers in a vivid sense of sin and profound exercise of heart in repentance, praise, and with an evangelistic overflow”.  Stephan Olford writes, “Revival is that strange, sovereign work of God in which He visits the people-restoring, reanimating, and releasing them into the fullness of His blessing.  Such a divine intervention will issue in evangelism, though, in the first instance, it is a work of God in the Church and among individual believers”.  Charles Finney, the revivalist of the early nineteenth century, defined revival concisely as “a new beginning of obedience”.  Simply put a new closeness to God; a new passion for Christ; A new love for God; A new holiness in life; A new filling and refreshing of the Holy Spirit.  One of my favorite descriptions of revival is from John Wesley.  He wrote, “We need to storm the throne of Grace and persevere therein, and mercy will come down.  I continue to dream and to pray about revival…in our day, that moves forth in mission and creates authentic community, in which each person can be unleashed through the empowerment of the Spirit, to fulfill God’s intentions!”  Probably the best quote I have been influenced by on revivals is by Andrew Bonar.  He wrote, “Revivals begin with God’s own people, The Holy Spirit touches their hearts anew, and gives them a new fervor, and compassion, and zeal, new light and life, and after He has come to the Church, He next goes to the Valley of Dry Bones…Oh what responsibility this lays upon the Church of God.  If you grieve Him away or hinder His visit-the poor perishing world suffers sorely!”  The responsibility for the condition of America and the World may just be related to the fact that we have neglected the continual need of revival in the life of the Church to keep God’s people passionate and productive in our ministries to that very world!

One of the complaints I often heard about revivals was that the same people came forward revival after revival to re-dedicate their lives anew and afresh to the Lord Jesus Christ!  My response has always been-“WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH THAT!  PERHAPS THAT IS WHAT HAD KEPT THE CHURCH ON THE CUTTING EDGE”.  Like the Hymn, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing says, “Prone to Wander, Lord I feel it.  Prone to leave the God I love!”  If rededication, at a minimum of once per year, kept us vitally functioning as Christians individually, and Churches collectively…then Praise The Lord.  We could use a few rededications right now!  I came across an interesting story the other day.  It was the story of a man of God that felt the call to be a missionary to Formosa.  Formosa was the Portuguese name for Taiwan.  The Chinese country in the Far East, recently given back to mainland China.  Thomas Barclay answered the call to go as a missionary to Formosa, and ministered there for over 60 years.  He translated the entire Bible into their language.  Behind that life of service lay a covenant with God that he wrote when he was sixteen, and which he renewed every year for the rest of his life!  (I would call that a re-dedication).  It read, in part, “This day do I, with the utmost solemnity, surrender myself to Thee.  I renounce all former lords that have had dominion over me, and I consecrate to Thee all that I have:  the faculties of my mind, the members of my body, my worldly possessions, my time, and my influence over others; to be all used entirely for Thy glory, and resolutely employed in obedience to Thy commands, as long as Thou continuest me in this life; with ardent desire and humble resolution to continue Thine through all the ages of eternity; ever holding myself in an attentive position to observe, with zeal and joy, to the immediate execution of it.  To Thy direction also I resign myself, and all that I am and have, to be disposed of by Thee in such a manner as Thou in Thine infinite wisdom shall judge most subservient to the purposes of Thy glory.  To Thee I leave the management of all events, and say without reserve, ‘Not my will, but Thine, be done!’ “Renewing that annually brought about 60 plus years of faithful service.  I would, without hesitation, define that as an on-going REVIVAL!

When we usually talk about revivals we refer to Great Awakenings of the Past.  It has been so long that they are now viewed as “Ancient History!”  No one expects to see them ever come again.  Shame on us.  God has not changed!  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!  One of my favorite quotes speaks to this very subject.  It is a quote from the great Scottish Preacher and Theologian-James Stewart.  He wrote, “It is God’s way to go beyond the best that He has done before; therefore a living faith will always have in it a certain element of surprise and tension and discovery; that what we have seen and learned of God up to the present is not to be the end of our seeing, nor the sum total of our learning; that whatever we have found in Christ is only a fraction of what we can still find; that the spiritual force which in the great days of the past vitalized the Church and shaped the course of history has not exhausted its energies or fallen into abeyance but is liable to burst out anew and take control.  God is promising wonders that He has never done before so that there will be more jubilant doxologies, more exultant hallelujahs.  For there is no limit to the love of God, no end to the redeeming Grace of Christ, and NO EXHAUSTION OF THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT”.(“Expect Great Things From God”-The River of Life: Sermons of James S. Stewart-1972). My prayer is-“God Do It Again!”  “Do it as you have never done it before!”  “Lord send a revival-let it begin in me-in us-and spread like wild-fire”.  WE HAVE NOT SEEN THE LAST OF HIS BEST!  BELIEVE IT!


 Posted by at 8:34 pm

“We Can Stand Fast!”

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Mar 112018


By:  Ron Woodrum

A young boy was standing out in a pasture, holding the bridle leading to his horse. His horse was an old sway-back mare. A passer by asked him, “Hey son, can your horse run fast?” He smiled, as he replied, “No sir, but she sure can sure stand fast!” As we rush further into this new year of 2018, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is being attacked from all sides! We continue being attacked by opposing groups with their own agendas.  Radical New  Atheist Crusaders attack the Church as never before, encouraging those who are forsaking the faith, to profess their apostasy by joining in a de-baptism service and celebration.  Proponents of the same-sex marriage agenda continue to call the Church “haters” and “bigots” for defending the position of the Bible’s teaching on the subject and defending traditional marriage.  Before it is all over our Churches, who hold to the Biblical position, will likely lose their tax-exempt status over this issue.  Abortionists continue to assault the Church claiming that to protest abortion is in reality robbing women of their autonomy over their own bodies and denying them, what they call birth control, (coming in the form of an abortion-causing pill); In reality the Church is only protesting a war on the unborn, that has killed more than all the wars, between all nations, over all the generations of history, put together!  Pseudo-intellectual professors, teaching our students in our country’s colleges, continue to try to silence people of faith, by insinuating they are morons and imbeciles, if they disagree with what they teach as unaltering facts and remain true to the clear teaching of Scripture, even if they cannot reconcile both positions at this time!; God is Not Dead! Is a movie that applauds Christians for not rolling-over and surrendering to the bullying of these pseudo-professors!  Most of the Universities in our country started out as institutions, founded by Christian thinkers, who were seeking Unity out of Diversity in learning.  Then of course we are facing left-wing political attacks from politicians in our own country; and violent murderous radical Islamic terrorists hell-bent of eradicating all Christians from the face of the earth.  This onslaught upon the Church has left the Church of Jesus Christ stunned and discouraged, waving the white flag of surrender, and cowering behind locked and closed doors, trembling at every threat, praying for Jesus’ soon return to rescue them from their self-imposed exile from the world.  The Church has not been in this terrified a state since the Upper Room, the week following Calvary’s public crucifixion of Jesus, the Head of the Church.  What is the Church to do?

General Douglas MacArthur was no stranger to opposition and great odds.  After Batan, Corrigedor, and Iwogema, and one defeat after another to the hands of the Japanese Imperial Army, MacArthur decided to regroup and return and win the war in American fashion!  One one occasion he said, “We are not retreating-we are advancing-in another direction!”  At another critical battle he was reported to have said to his troops-“The enemy is in front of us, the enemy is behind us, the enemy is to the right of us, and the enemy is to the left of us…THEY CANNOT GET AWAY THIS TIME!”  That is our command!  “Forward-don’t let a single one of them escape!”

Every time God’s people faced a crisis God would appear to them to assure them of His presence and power.  Once they had seen the INVISIBLE they were ready to face the IMPOSSIBLE!  When God needed a deliverer to go back to Egypt and deliver His people out of the hand of the enemy-the most powerful nation on the face of the earth in that day-He appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush.  After convincing Moses of His presence and power-Moses returned to the challenge and the rest is history!  Let me assure you that “Bushes are still Burning!”  God has not left Himself without witness on this earth.  God’s presence and power are still manifested in mighty ways to mankind if we will turn aside to see.  Elizabeth Barrett Browning put it powerfully in these words-

Earth is crammed with Heaven

                                                    Every common Bush is Aflame with God.

                                                    But only they see who take off their shoes!

                                                    The rest stand around and pick blackberries!”


We must sound the trumpet for Christians to arm themselves.  We must amount an offence and “be ready to always give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason for the hope that lieth in you” (I Peter 3:15).  You can rest assured that the forces of unbelief are hard at work.  Listen to Christian apologist Wilbur Smith-“It is a strange thing, but these men who insist that we are not to impose our belief on others, never hesitate to impose their disbelief on others.  They write books to spread their wretched denials.  They stand in the classroom to impose their skepticism on the plastic minds of the immature students.  They go up and down the land, giving lectures, writing articles in outstanding periodicals, to impose their agnosticism upon youth looking for something to believe in” (Therefore Stand p. 485). The Christian faith requires tough minds, and the stakes are high.  The everlasting souls of young people, and those young in the faith, hang in the balance.  It is high time we enter the battle, armed with abundance of evidence that God has supplied, and with the kind of assurance and enthusiasm becoming our faith!

If we are to do this successfully and challenge our generation it will require two ingredients-resolution and relevance!  Martin Luther, who challenged his generation with Truth, while facing almost single handedly, (of course he had many reforming fellow-soldiers joining him in the battle), not only “stood-fast” but also struck an offensive that changed the entire world of his day.  We would do well to listen to his convicting words on these two subjects.

First of all it will take a genuine resolution on our part to become involved in this imperative work!  Listen to what Luther said, “Christendom must have people who can beat down their adversaries and opponents and tear off the devil’s equipment and armor, that he may be brought into disgrace.  But for this work, powerful warriors are needed, who are thoroughly familiar with the Scriptures and can contradict all false interpretations and take the sword from the false teachers-that is, those vey verses which false teachers use and turn them round upon them so that they fall back defeated.  But not all Christians can be so capable in defending the Word and articles of their faith (creed), they must have teachers and preachers who study the Scriptures and have daily fellowship with it, so that they can fight for all the others.  Yet each Christian should be so armed that he himself is sure of his belief and of the doctrine and is so equipped with the sayings from the Word of God that he can stand up against the devil and defend himself, when men seek to lead him astray”. (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Illustrations and Meditations from the Life of Martin Luther. (Compiled by Pastor Mark Anderson and Marjorie Young).

The other quote relates to genuine relevancy.  There is a quote often debated whether Martin Luther ever spoke this quote in any of his writings.  So far it has not been found.  But word of mouth from other authors attributes it to him and indeed it sounds like him without a doubt. Here it is-“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the Word of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Him.  Where the battle rages there is the loyalty of the soldier proved!  And to be steady on all the battle front besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that one point!”  Is that not one of the greatest quotes you have ever heard?  It is one of the most convicting statements concerning our taking a genuine stand for Christ, where and when it counts, that I have ever heard!


2018 is proving to be a renewed “call to arms” for the Church to Stand up and Speak up for Jesus.  Especially on the points we are facing the fiercest attacks.  That will require resolution and relevancy.  Remember the words of Thornton Wilder, “in Love’s service, only the wounded soldier can serve”.  As Amy Carmichael has said, “When we get to heaven our Saviour may ask us upon arrival -“Hast thou no scar?”  2018 should give us plenty of opportunity to earn our Red Badge of Courage!


 Posted by at 8:17 pm


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Mar 042018


By:  Ron Woodrum


      In his book, Just As I Am, Billy Graham reminds us that the ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was and is a team effort.  He writes, “The dedicated men and women working with us have been willing to do anything and everything.  In the case of Grady and T.W. Wilson, both gone home to be with the Lord, the ties go back to our youth.  They were heaven-sent ones who propped me up…”  “As long as I live, I will miss Grady Wilson at my side.  From the beginning of our friendship, he was a God-given balance wheel.  His down-to-earth sense of humor saved the day…and did not let us take ourselves too seriously…he often filled in for me when I had laryngitis.  His style was different from mine, but the Holy Spirit always used him to point people to Christ.”  T. W. Wilson, his older brother accompanied Billy in all his travels in the early years, and had oversight of all the radio stations.  Billy writes, “I leaned on him in practical ways perhaps more than any other person”.  I heard Billy Graham tell a funny story about him and T.W. Wilson.  They were traveling back home in the early days of crusades, when they often traveled by car.  T.W. was driving.  Billy was exhausted from all the activity.  He lay down in the back seat of their car to get some rest while T.W. drove through the night.  T. W. stopped for gas, pumped it, and went in to pay.  Billy was still asleep.  Waking up…Billy got out and went to use the restroom.  While Billy was in the restroom, T.W. returned to the car, assuming Billy was still sleeping in the back seat, and left…leaving Billy behind!  Billy came out of the restroom only to find himself stranded…left behind.  He was unshaven; hair disheveled, and looked nothing like the famed evangelist!  In days when there were no cell phones…there was nothing for him to do but to wait at the gas station for T.W. to discover he was gone and return.  He just prayed it would not be for too many miles, or hours!  He told quite a humorous story about trying to convince the owner of the gas station that he “really was the real Billy Graham!”  The owner kept saying, “Sure…you’re Billy Graham…and I’m the President!”


     In his December 2011 Facebook post, Billy Graham told another story.  This time Billy was traveling alone.  He was driving through the South, in a big hurry to get home.  He got pulled over for speeding.  The officer issued him a citation, not recognizing the famous evangelist.  In those days, in that particular town, offenders were taken right to court to plead, pay the fine, or have a court date set.  Billy chose to take care of it immediately.  He appeared before the judge.  The judge asked him how he pleaded.   Billy admitted, “Guilty”.  The judge hit the gavel-and ordered “ten miles over the limit…ten dollar fine!” (One dollar per miles over in that day).   Then the judge, looking back over the ticket, saw the name William Franklin Graham.  He looked closer and asked, “Aren’t you…Billy Graham?”  Billy, who had already pulled out his wallet to pay the fine, looked kind of sheepish as he agreed, saying “yes I am your honor”, putting his wallet back in his pants!  The judge said, “I am sorry.  There are no exceptions to paying the fines for breaking the law!”  Billy got his wallet back out.  But then, to his surprise, the judge got up from his chair, walked over to the court clerk, took out his wallet and paid the fine for Billy.  Then dismissed court and took him out for a steak dinner!  Billy said, “What an example of God’s grace!”  Jesus took our penalty, and then treats us to love beyond measure.  Amazing Grace!


One of my favorite stories that Billy Graham told during his preaching ministry was about Albert Einstein.  Einstein often took the railway to his speaking engagements. He did not drive.  He was always nearly late for the train’s departure and always seemed quite disorganized when he boarded the train.  On one occasion he came in at the last minute, boarded the train, and took his seat.  As the conductor came by to collect the tickets Einstein was searching his pockets for his ticket that he had misplaced!  The conductor assured him it was ok…”I know who you are Professor Einstein!”  The conductor proceeded to collect ticket/boarding passes.  As he came back to where Einstein was, he was on his knees looking under his seat.  The conductor again assured him, “Don’t worry Professor Einstein, we know who you are, you ride the train so often, not to worry”.  Einstein stood up…replied to the Conductor…”I know who I am too…what I don’t know is where I am going!”  After Billy Graham told that story, he said, “Because of Jesus Christ I know who I am…and because of the cross, and my personal faith in Him, I can say that I also know where I am going!”  The same faith in the Savior and His Cross can give that assurance to all who believe in Him that they know where they are going!


Billy said, “Someday you will read that Billy Graham has died.  Don’t you believe it…I will be more alive then than ever before!”  He has “left behind” again…left this old world behind…and gone to be with the Lord that he so loved and served!  Only eternity will be long enough to recount the number of lives that he touched for His Lord.  We could never come close to such influence…but we can impact our world too, as God opens the door.  Go and be faithful to your own calling.  Billy Graham’s 32nd book was called The Reason for My Hope.  Today’s message tells us how we can share our own story to our world.


 Posted by at 1:31 pm