Christian Rip Van Winkles? Ushers get ready with crash helmets and signal flares?

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Jun 242018

PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVEChristian Rip Van Winkles? Ushers get ready with crash helmets and signal flares?

By:  Ron Woodrum


If you visit the town of Irvington, New York, not far from Tarrytown, the location of Sunnyside, the home of Washington, Irving, you will come across a bronze statue of Rip Van Winkle.  Rip (Rest In Peace?) Van Winkle is a fictional character from the short story written in 1819 by Washington Irving.  It is a story of a Dutch American villager in colonial America, who in 1769 tries to escape the nagging of his wife by going on day trips to the Catskill mountains, to hunt, to fish, to just dally.  But on one such excursion He and his dog encounter some ornately dressed men, in antiquated Dutch clothing, playing nine-pins, (bowling) and drinking rum from a keg.  To make a short story even shorter-he joins them, both in nine pins, and rum-drinking…and soon falls asleep.  When he awakens-he cannot find his dog…his beard is a foot long, down onto his chest; his musket is rotting and rusty; his clothes are ragged and moldy.  He hurries back to his village to find it completely changed!  He recognizes no one.  He arrives just after an election and is shocked to find that the American Revolution has taken place, the colonists are no longer subjects of King George III.  He enters the tavern to see a picture of George Washington, the new American President.  He discovers that he has been asleep for twenty years!  His wife is dead.  His home in disarray.  He meets his own son Rip Van Winkle jr., and his daughter who is grown and married.  The story revolves around his shock and transition to the changes while he was asleep!  A true American Legend.  But in some ways history has repeated itself.  As a Pastor since 1971, sometimes I feel like I have been asleep while the world transformed into a post-Christian world, strangely, suddenly, and subtly into a world we no longer recognize, nor are quite sure how to communicate and reach any longer.  In a sense, we have been so busy in our own little Christian environments, that it is as if we have fallen into a trance, while the world changed right before our eyes, and as the Holy Spirit awakens us we realize that we have a whole new challenge before us, that we have to find new answers to, because old methods and strategies are not, and will not ever work again!

In his thought provoking book, The Great Evangelical Recession, John S. Dickerson unpacks a much-needed wake-up call for the American Church.  Not only does he validate the coming reality of decreased giving and increased cultural hostility to the church, but he gives and accurate assessment of the actual number of evangelicals in the United States today. (This shocked me!).  Based on four different studies, each with unique and verifiable research approaches, Dickerson reports that the number of evangelical Christians is actually between 7 and 9 percent of the US population.  I thought the numbers were closer to 40 per cent.  Meanwhile a recent Barna study finds “the percentage of Americans who qualify as ‘post-Christian’ rose by 7 percentage points, from 37 percent in 2013 to 44 percent in 2015.  Across the United States, cities, in every state, are becoming more post-Christian in their world views”.    Here is a summary of what is happening-“An increasing number of people are religiously unaffiliated, there is a steady drop in Church attendance, Supreme Court decisions, on things like same-sex marriage, and other issues are going the opposite direction to the evangelical position, we have lost our voice, there is a growing tension over religious freedoms that all point to a larger secularizing trend sweeping across the nation”.

It has even affected our own denomination.  Southern Baptists, the largest evangelical denomination in the world, recently unveiled troubling news in our annual reports.  Though we have added more Churches, we have lost over 200,000 members in recent years, the largest decline since 1881.  Membership dropped 1.5%; weekly worship declined 2.75%; Baptisms fell eight of the last ten years; Even David Platt, the president of the International Mission Board announced the cutting of 600 missionaries to balance the budget, to make up for a $21 million-dollar deficit in 2015.  Thom S. Rainer, President of Life Way, the Southern Baptist’s publishing arm, responded “It breaks my heart that the trend of our denomination is mostly one of decline.  Programs and meetings are not going to revive our people-only prayer and repentance will lead our people to revival!”  I agree whole heartedly.  We need to re-evaluate our approach to ministry to our post-Christian world. But…programs and strategies alone will not suffice.  We perhaps need some new paths energized by some old power!  I don’t always agree with some of the new evangelical theology that is being scattered today, but some of it speaks to our need.  Os Guiness has written:  “Let there be no wavering in our answer.  Such is the truth and power of the Gospel that the Church can be revived, reformed, and restored to be a renewing power in the world again.  There is no question that the good new of Jesus Christ has effected powerful and personal and cultural change in the past.  There is no question too that it is still doing so in many parts of the world today.  By God’s grace it will do so again even here in the heart of the advanced modern world where the Christian Church is presently in sorry disarray”.  Someone has said, “The real problem is not the pervasiveness of the darkness, but the failure of the light.  Light always dispels darkness!” The glorious resurrection light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be radiate enough to cut through the darkness of even our post-Christian darkness!

Programs and pretense will never cut through this ever-increasing darkness.  C.H. Spurgeon still speaks relevantly on this issue-“Some have tried to imitate unction by unnatural tones and whines; by running up the whites of their eyes and lifting their hands in an almost ridiculous manner…Bah!  The whole thing smells of the green-room and the stage.  The getting up of fervor in hearers by simulation of it in the preaching is loathsome deceit to be scorned by honest men…Unction is a thing which you cannot manufacture, and its counterfeits are worse than the worthless; yet it is in itself priceless and beyond measure needful if you would edify believers and bring sinners to Jesus.  To the secret pleader with God this secret is committed; upon him rest the dew of the Lord, about him is the perfume which makes the heart glad.   We shall never see much change for the better in our Church until the prayer meeting occupies a higher place in the esteem of Christians”.  There lies the answer to our effective ministry.  Martyn Lloyd Jones talks about how revival cannot be organized.  But it comes in answer to repentance and prayer of God’s people.  The he says, “Believe me friends, when the next revival comes, it will come as a surprise to everybody, especially to those who have been trying to organize it.  No revival the Church has ever known has ever been an official movement”.  A.W. Tozer adds, “How much will revival cost?  Absolutely everything and absolutely nothing-that is how much it will cost.  It will cost not one dime, and it will cost everything we have!”  Charles Bridges said, “Prayer is one half of our ministry. and it gives the other half all its power and success”.  Someone has said, “Never attempt more ministry than you can undergird with constant and consistent, and fervent prayer”.  Never forget that the forward progress to victory only occurs as our own hands of ministry are held up in weary days by prayer support warriors!  It is time to wake up, see a new scary post-Christian world.  Fall to our knees seeking God’s face.  Receive His unction.  Go forth in new paths, supported by old time power, and dispel the darkness with His glorious light!  Revive us still!  Amen!  When that happens-we will all be overwhelmed by His glorious presence in revival.  Annie Dilliard points out the foolishness of Christians going through the motions of spirituality and vitality.  She writes, “On the whole I do not find Christians…sufficiently sensible of conditions.  Does anyone have the foggiest idea of what sort of power we so blithely invoke?  Or, as I suspect, does no one believe a word of it?  The Churches are children playing on the floor with their chemistry sets, mixing up a batch of TNT to kill a Sunday morning.  It is madness to wear ladies’ hats and velvet hats to church; we should be wearing crash helmets.  Ushers should issue life preservers and signal flares; they should fasten us to our pews!”  THAT KIND OF POWER—DISPLAYED FROM THE REAL LORD—WILL WAKE UP A SLEEPING CHURCH OF RIP VAN WINKLES—AN MAKE VAST IN-ROADS INTO A POST-CHRISTIAN WORLD.  I GUARANTEE IT!


 Posted by at 1:20 pm


Jun 172018


By:  Ron Woodrum


One little boy’s definition of Father’s Day went something like this…”it’s just like Mother’s Day, only we don’t spend as much!”  Well we father’s can concede that, usually due to our own frugality and insistence!  Someone else has said, “A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be!”  The phone company tells us that calls on Father’s Day are not nearly as high volume.  And before the day of unlimited cell phones, most of the calls to “dear ole dad” were usually collect!  And so it is!


Being a father is a sobering assignment.  God has chosen the father to be a “role model” to teach his children how to relate to Him.  Jesus told us when we pray we are to say, “Our Father, who art in heaven, hollowed be Thy Name” (Mt. 6:9).  Paul said that the “Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are Children of God…whereby we cry Abba Father”. (Rom. 8:15).  Paul himself saw his role to the Corinthians as being their spiritual father.  He said, “you may have many teachers, but not many fathers!” (I Cor.  4:15), identifying himself as the human agent responsible for their new birth into the Family of God.  In I Thessalonians Paul refers to his role in their lives being parallel to that of both a mother and a father!  In I Thes. 2:7 he says, “we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother caring for her little child” As a mother his role was to NOURISH them, not just with milk by nursing them, but love and affection caring and relating to them.  Then in I Thes. 2:11-12 he says, “we dealt with you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God”.  The role of the father is not so much to NOURISH, but to NURTURE!  That involves at least three things in Paul’s mind.  One is to PROVIDE for them.  All they needed to grow up as mature children of God, were provided by the Lord, through the ministry of their Spiritual Father.  He too saw this role as one of a PATTERN to them.  He could exhort them to “follow him, as he followed the Lord Jesus Christ”. The word follow is the Greek word “mimeteo”.  We get our word “mimic” from that.  He told them to mimic him and he mimicked God the Father!  Harry Chapin quotes the son saying, “I’m gonna be like him!” i.e. dad.  The song, (Cat’s in the Cradle), concludes with the father disillusioned, as he hangs up the phone, after being told by his son that he did not have time for ol’ dad, “He’d grown up just like me, my son was just like me!”  Good or bad…that is usually reality!  Paul rejoiced when that was true of his spiritual children.  How about us dads?  If our sons and daughters turn out to be just like us would we be rejoicing?  Paul also saw his role as one of PROTECTING.  He wrote letter to reclaim them when they strayed.  He prayed for their well being daily.  He loved them; He entered into spiritual combat for them.  He was willing to die for them. He trained them, by his life, how to “fight the good fight of faith”.  He told them, as he did Timothy, to “continue in the Scriptures which is profitable for them” (II Tim. 3:15-16).  When being asked if we can compare to that kind of man-that kind of father-the response would probably be “silence!’


Robin Hardy, in her book The Chataine’s Guardian, writes “The talk at the table turned to what women found interesting in men…One girl said she liked a man with dark eyes…Another said she like a man with dark eyes…Another girl said she preferred strong, muscular men…Another said she was attracted to men with beards.  Then someone asked, ‘Deirdre, what do you like in a man?’  They fell silent waiting.  She paused and replied…’it is good for a man to be strong…a strong man can do so many things.  But the man who is both strong and gentle is wonderful.  A man must be intelligent, of course, but if he is also humble that makes him all the more appealing…a man who is strong enough to live a disciplined life, but who is tender enough to overlook the faults of others…a man who is honest above all, but kind…a man who has the courage to stay at the same task year in and year out, even if it is boring, tiring or painful, simply because it is his duty…a man with courage of faithfulness.  I love all these things about a man.’  THERE WAS…SILENCE!”  That is why C.S. Lewis wrote, in God in The Dock, “It is painful, being a man, to have to assert the privilege or the burden which Christianity lays upon my own sex, (that is men).  I am crushingly aware of how inadequate most of us are, on our actual and historical individualities, to fill the place prepared for us”.  IT IS OK TO RECOGNIZE WE HAVEN’T ARRIVED YET…WITH OUR SILENCE.  Today is not a good day to be a man.  High profile men…President Trump…Bill Cosby…Hollywood and Business moguls have been highlighted as those who have been degrading to women.  Society puts a lot of pressure on us.  That great theologian… (ha ha) …Garrison Keillor reminds us of that.  In an op-ed piece in the Sunday New York Times he writes, “This is not a great year for guys…Guys are in trouble.  Manhood, once the opportunity for achievement, now seems like a problem to overcome.  Plato, St. Francis, Leonardo da Vinci, Vince Lombardi-you don’t find guys of that caliber today.  What you find is terrible gender anxiety, guys trying to be Mr. Right, the man who can bake a cherry pie, go shoot skeet, come back, toss a salad, converse easily about intimate matters, cry if need be, laugh, hug, be vulnerable, be passionate…go off the next day and life them bales onto that barge and tote it.  Being perfect is a terrible way to spend your life, and guys are not equipped for it anyway.  It is like a bear riding a bicycle:  He can be trained to do it for short periods, but he would rather be in the woods doing what bears do there!”  Joseph Stowell, President of Moody Bible Institute a few years ago, summed it up better for us.  He said, modeling God, as a spiritual father, is difficult but rewarding.  “Many of us fear that…if we fully yield the reins of our life to Christ, He will take away our manhood.  Victims of a demasculinized portrait of Christ, we have forgotten that He was a perfect blend of divinity and humanity.  He was the perfect expression of manhood.  While that meant that he was compassionate, He also displayed strength and power…enough to attract manly men as followers.  They even gave up their careers to follow Him.  Jesus does not diminish our manhood…He energizes it making our maleness a fuller and richer express of what a man can be!” 


That is the kind of man that our boys need to model for their generation.  Preston Gillham, in his book Lifetime Guarantee, writes “boys become men by watching men, by standing close to men.  Manhood is a ritual passed down from one generation to another with precious few spoken instructions.  Passing the torch of manhood is a fragile, tedious task.  If the rite of passage is successfully completed, the boy-become-man is like an oak of hardwood character.  His shade and influence will bless those who are fortunate enough to lean on him and rest under his canopy.”    Being a man is more caught than taught.  It is modeled and mentored in a lifetime of good example, Happy Father’s Day.  Be the best model you can be!  God will make you the best Mentor!  Give it your best shot…with His model and His power!


 Posted by at 4:24 pm

“Alexander my Shepherd too?”

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Jun 102018

PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE: “Alexander my Shepherd too?”

By:  Ron Woodrum


     One of the most interesting prophecy passages in all of the Bible is found in Isaiah, written 150 years before Cyrus was born, relates to Cyrus the Great, King of Persia.  In Isaiah 45:1 God says, “I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me!”  Also showing His sovereignty over all nations, God says of Cyrus, “He is my shepherd and will accomplish all I please”.  Not only is that true of Cyrus, King of Persia, but it was also true of Alexander the Great.  According to Josephus, in 332 BC Alexander the Great defeated the cities of Tyre and Gaza in his march toward Egypt.  During this campaign he turned toward Jerusalem.  He demanded supplies and men from the Jews, who were under rule of the Persian King Darius.  The Jews refused, saying they were pledged to honor Darius.  Alexander began a move to besiege the City of Jerusalem.  The High Priest Jadda asked the people to pray for mercy.  God told the Priest how to approach Alexander.  He and his order of priests went out to meet Alexander.  Alexander did the unexpected.  He went to meet the Priests.  According to Josephus, Alexander told the Priests that “he had seen these priests, in these very garments, in a dream when I was at Dios in Macedonia.  They told me to go forward without delay and I would be successful in my domination over the Persians.  Since I have never seen these kinds of Priests in these garments I believe their divine conduct”. Alexander accompanied the priests to the Temple, made a sacrifice to God of the Hebrews, and then was shown in the Book of Daniel, written several centuries earlier, that he would conquer the Persians.  Alexander was impressed with the prophecy and treated the Jews with favor as he marched on toward Egypt.


Alexander was blessed by God permitting him to conquer the known world.  It was through this conquest that God used the Hellenistic culture to prepare the world for the coming of the Greatest King of All-His Son Jesus Christ.  Alexander the Great conquered the known world, making it a unity of sorts.  He took Hellenistic Greek civilization, culture, education, philosophy, and a universal language to the entire world.  The Greek philosophy had prepared the world for highest thoughts about God. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, Alexander’s own personal teacher, rejected ancient philosophy and began to introduce God, the Unmoved Mover, the Cause of all that exists, and the Creator of a Heavenly Perfect World to parallel the incomplete ever-changing physical world.  The Greek language became the most beautiful, expressive, and precise language through which to preach the Good News of the Gospel.  Alexander conquered the world by the time he was 33.  He extended his empire East far into India.  Finally, his soldiers threatened mutiny if he was to press on Eastward.  On his return back to Macedonia, he intended to build an Eastern capital at Babylon.  While in Nebuchadnezzar II palace he became ill.  He had been warned by the Chaldeans not to enter the city.  Bel, the Babylonian deity had prophesied that if he did it would be fatal.  Another eerie omen happened before Alexander came to Babylon.  He had asked Calanus, a Hindu wise man to accompany him back to Macedonia.  Calanus was 73, and in poor health.  He told Alexander he would rather die than to live disabled.  He was going to commit suicide, and then told Alexander, with his last words-“We shall meet again in Babylon”.  It was only after Alexander became deathly ill in Babylon that Calanus’ words were understood.  Alexander would never recover from this illness.  Historians are not sure whether he contracted malaria; died from alcohol poisoning; or was poisoned with arsenic by one of his generals.  But whatever the cause, it was June 10-11 323 B.C., nearly 2,500 years ago that Alexander the Great died.  His body was embalmed by Egyptians embalmers who arrived on June 16th from Egypt.  His body was interred eventually in Memphis Egypt.  Later he was taken to Alexandria Egypt and put in a tomb there.  Caesar Augustus would later visit his tomb, and place flowers on it and a golden diadem on Alexander’s head.  Though the tomb is no longer known, the last know visit is mentioned by George Sandys in 1611.  According to one legend the tomb lies beneath an early Christian Church in Alexandria, Egypt.


Another legend that still stands today is that Alexander the Great made his generals promise to him to fulfill three wishes at his funeral.  Here are the three wishes:


“My first wish is to have my physician bring my coffin home alone.  After gasping for air, he continued…my second wish is to scatter the gold, silver, and precious stones from my treasure house along the path to my tomb…my final request is to put my hands outside my coffin.”  When asked for an explanation of these requests–he responded, “I want my people to understand three lessons, (sounds like his teacher Aristotle), seeing my physician accompany my coffin tells the people that the physician cannot cure terminal illnesses.  Physicians are powerless in the face of death.  The casting away of silver and gold is to let people know not to squander their lives for treasure they cannot take with them.  The third lesson is to show that I came into the world with empty hands, and leave the same way!”  There is no way of establishing the historicity of this legend.  But seems very wise counsel from one of the world’s most educated kings!  Another legend, which is accepted by most historians, is what Alexander responded when asked, “who he bequeathed his kingdom to?”  He is reported to have said, “Tois Kratastois”-  “To he who is the strongest!”  That is the title of today’s message.

 Posted by at 2:24 pm

“Encountering a Living Presence”

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Jun 032018

PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE: “Encountering a Living Presence”.

By:  Ron Woodrum


     Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president of the United States, told a very fascinating story about an encounter he had while getting his hair cut at a Barbershop.  Listen to his words:  “I was sitting in a barber chair when I was aware that a powerful personality had entered the room.  A man had come quietly in upon the same errand as myself to have his hair cut and sat in the chair next to me.  Every word that the man uttered, though it was not in the least bit didactic, showed a personal interest in the man who was serving him.  And before I got through with what was being done to me I was aware I had attended an evangelistic service, because D.L Moody was in that chair.  I purposely lingered in the room after he had left and noted the singular affect that his visit had brought upon the barber shop.  They talked in undertones.  They did not know his name, but they knew something had elevated their thoughts, and I felt that I left that place as I should have left a place of worship”… (John MacArthur, Matthew, p.236).  That is Christian Influence!  Do you and I carry a Living Presence of our Loving Lord’s Personality with us?  The great Methodist preacher E. Stanley Jones says that “the number one problem of the modern Church today is irrelevancy!”  We are not impacting lives as we should!  The dynamic presence of our living Lord is notably absent from our lives!  People see our lives…but there is nothing out of the ordinary to turn their heads.  As Christians we must not settle for that.  We need to walk in such a communion with our Lord that our lives turn heads and hearts for Him.  Someone has written:












Edgar Guest has another poem entitled “The Living Sermon”


He writes:


I’d rather see a sermon

than hear one any day

I’d rather you would walk with me

than merely tell the way


The eye’s a better pupil

and more willing than the ear.

Fine counsel is confusing

but example is always clear


The best of all the preachers

are men who live their creeds

For to see good put into action

is what everybody needs





The lecture you deliver

may be very wise and true

but I’d rather get my lesson

by observing what you do!


Eileen Guder chides Christians for not living passionate spiritual lives.  She writes:  “Live a bland life.  Eat bland food.  Avoid an ulcer.  Drink no coffee, tea, or stimulants in the name of health!  Go to bed early.  Avoid all night life!  Avoid controversy.  Never offend anyone!  Mind your own business.  Never get involved in anybody’s problems.  Save all your money for the future, never splurge on anything….and you can still break your neck getting out of the bathtub…and it serves you right!  Living a humdrum life never impacts anyone!  Fear not your life will come to an end!  Fear it never had a beginning!” 


Henry Clay Morrison, founder of Asbury Seminary in Kentucky, tells how he was out plowing in the field when a Methodist Circuit Riding preacher came by.  The preacher had such a powerful presence about him that he was overwhelmed with conviction for his sin.  He dropped to his knees and surrendered to Christ as his Savior.  We may not have that kind of presence emanating from us, but we MUST HAVE A PRESENCE THAT IMPACTS LIVES OR WE ARE FAILING OUR LORD!

In his book Filled With the Spirit, Richard Ellsworth Day makes this perceptive observation:  “It would be no surprise, if a study of secret causes were undertaken, to find that every golden era in human history proceeds from the devotion and righteous passion of some single individual.  This does not set aside the sovereignty of God; it simply indicates the instrument through which He uniformly works.  There are no bona fide mass movements; it just looks that way!  At the center of the column there is always one man who knows His God, and knows where he is going!”  Ask God to make you and I those individuals!  Those who are living with an encountering Presence!


 Posted by at 2:24 pm