Jul 252021

By: Ron Woodrum

     One of my favorite hymns is the hymn-“JESUS SAVES”.  I’m sure you recall the lyrics.

We have heard the joyful sound

Jesus Saves! Jesus Saves!

Spread the tidings all around

Jesus Saves! Jesus Saves!

Bear the news to every land,

Climb the steeps and cross the waves;

Onward tis our Lord’s command

Jesus Saves!  Jesus Saves!

     What a great song to sing in a worship service!  It gives us opportunity to lift our voices and testify to the reality of the truth that Jesus Christ really does save sinners like you and I.  But the sad thing is those who really need to hear that testimony are not sitting there listening.  We all benefit from being reminded of the trustworthiness of our Savior, but those who really need to know that reality rarely come to worship services to be reminded by or confronted with that truth.  Singing that lyric in public would probably not be well received from those listening, and not likely be received as life changing truth.  One zealous Christian took the phrase “Climb the steeps” to share the joyful news “Jesus Saves!” quite literally.  He climbed up a highway overpass, and for all to see, white paint, on black background, he wrote his public message, in courageous graffiti-“JESUS SAVES!”  Now everyone who drives by that underpass/overpass is confronted with that reality of that news!  THE GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL!  You might respond-well that certainly will not be effective!  How embarrassing that any Christian would resort to that kind of tactic to get the Good new of the Gospel out.  Frederick Buechner, in two of his books, The Hungering Darkness, and Secrets in the Dark, referred to such an incident, and what impact it just might have on the public collectively, and all of us individually.  Let me share what he wrote: 

     “Maybe Jesus Saves written up there on the cliff or the abutment of the bridge is embarrassing because in one way or another religion in general has become embarrassing: embarrassing to the unreligious man because, although he does not have it anymore, he has never really rooted it out of his soul either, and it still festers there as a kind of reproach; embarrassing to the religious man because, although in one form or another he still does have it, it seldom looks more threadbare or beside the point than when you set it against very much the same kind of seventy-five-mile-per-hour, neon-lit, cluttered, and clamorous world that is represented by the highway that the sign itself looks down upon there. 

     And maybe, at a deeper level still, Jesus Saves is embarrassing because if you can hear it at all through your wincing, if any part at all of what it is trying to mean gets through, what it says to everybody who passes by, and most importantly and unforgivably of all of course what it says to you, is that you need to be saved. Rich man, poor man; young man, old man; educated and uneducated; religious and unreligious—the word is in its way an offense to all of them, all of us, because what it says in effect to all of us is, “You have no peace… You are not happy… not whole…not saved” That is an unpardonable thing to say to a man whether it is true or false, but especially if it is true, because there he is, trying so hard to be happy, all of us are, to find some kind of inner peace and all in all maybe not making too bad a job of it considering the odds, so that what could be worse psychologically, humanly, than to say to him what amounts to “You will never make it. You have not and you will not, at least not without help”? You need to be saved, and Jesus specializes in that!

     And what could be more presumptuous, more absurd, more pathetic, than for some poor fool with a cut-rate brush and a bucket of white paint to claim that the one to give that help is Jesus? If he said God, at least that would be an idea, and if you reject it, it is only an idea that you are rejecting on some kind of intellectual grounds. But by saying “Jesus” he puts it on a level where what you accept or reject is not an idea at all but a person; where what you accept or reject, however dim and far away and disfigured by time is still just barely recognizable as a human face. Because behind the poor fool with his bucket there always stands of course the Prince of Fools himself, blessed be he, in his own way more presumptuous, more absurd. (Being saved by the Cross is still foolishness to the world!)

Jesus Saves…. And the bad thief, the one who according to tradition was strung up on his left, managed to choke out the words that in one form or another men have been choking out ever since whenever they have found themselves crossed up by the world: “Are you the Christ? Then save yourself and us.” With the accent on the “us.” If you are the Savior, whatever that means, then why don’t you save us, whatever that involves, save us from whatever it is that crosses us all up before we’re done, from the world without and the world within that crosses us all out. Save us from and for and in the midst of the seventy-five-mile-per-hour, neon-lit crisscross of roads that we all travel in this world. And then the good thief, the one on his right, rebuked the bad one for what he had said angrily, and then in effect said it again himself, only not angrily, God knows not angrily—said, “Jesus, remember me when you come in your kingly power.” And finally the words of Jesus’s answer, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise,” which are words no less crude than the ones trickling down the cliff side, in their way no less presumptuous, absurd, pathetic; words that express no theological idea as an idea, but words that it took a mouth of flesh to say and an ear of flesh to hear. I can imagine that the guards who had been posted there to see that the execution was carried out properly might themselves have felt something like embarrassment and turned away from the sheer lunacy of the scene. (How can someone dying such a death on a cross save anyone?)

Such a one as that save me? That one—the spindle-shanked leader who thinks he is God’s son, bloodshot and drunk with his own torture, no less crossed up, crossed out than any other mother’s son. Such a one as that—Jesus, scrawled up there on the concrete among the four-letter words and the names of lovers? Only somehow then, little by little, a deeper secret of the embarrassment begins to show through: not can such a one as that save me, but can such a one as that save me? Because I suspect that at its heart the painful wincing is directed less to the preposterousness of the claim that Jesus saves than it is directed to the preposterousness of the claim that people like ourselves are savable—not that we are such sinners that we do not deserve saving, but that we are so much ourselves, so hopelessly who we are—no better, no worse—that we wonder if it is possible for us to be saved. I suspect the reason why the name “Jesus” embarrasses us when it stands naked is that it inevitably, if only half consciously, recalls to us our own names, our own nakedness. Jesus saves … whom? Saves Joe, saves Charlie, Ellen, saves me, saves you—just the names without any Mr. or Mrs., without any degrees or titles or Social Security numbers; just who we are, no more, no less. I suspect that it is at our own nakedness that we finally wince.”  Get your brush, and bucket of paint…get to sharing the good news…JESUS SAVES! EVEN ME! EVEN YOU!

 Posted by at 1:46 pm

“We have not seen the last of the best!”

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Jul 182021

PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE: “We have not seen the last of the best!”

Revivals have been a big part of my life for over six decades.  I was saved in September of 1968.  My parents were saved the next fall, November 1969, during a revival with Gerald Thompson as the Evangelist at the Salem Baptist Church of Decatur.  Later, after God had called me into the ministry, my very first ministry was being a bus Pastor.  But that was soon followed in 1969 with opportunities to preach youth revivals in Central Illinois.  I preached 25 youth revivals during the years of 1969-1971 averaging nearly 10 per year.  The focus of most of those revivals was for Christian youth to surrender their lives to Jesus, and witness and bring friends to the youth meetings.  Many young people came to faith in those days as the sixties welcomed the seventies! I began pastoring my first Church in May of 1971 at the age of 17.  Every Church that I have pastored over the years has had one to two revivals per year.  Over nearly 50 years of ministry I have participated in over 250 revivals, counting the ones I hosted as a Pastor of a Baptist Church, and the one I personally preached as an Evangelist.  In the eighties I averaged preaching about 8-10 revivals per year-all over Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and South Carolina, and Tennessee.  I have had the joy of witnessing revivals transform Churches collectively, and Christians individually.  I can honestly say my life was touched by every one of them.  As a young person I made it a habit to attend revivals at sister Baptist Churches, and also several other denominations-Methodist, Church of God, Assembly of God, Nazarene, Pentecostal, Bible Churches, etc.  Even though there are many that feel that revivals are a thing of the past that no longer impacts American Culture today…I strongly disagree.  Even though most revivals today reach fewer non-Christians than they used to; they still impact the people of God.  When the Church is revived…the community that surrounds it is impacted for Christ.

I want to share a few famous Christian quotes that help us understand the role that revival plays in the life of a local Church, and in the lives of the individual Christians who are identified with the Church.  J.I. Packer defines a revival as “a visitation of God which brings to life Christians who have fallen asleep spiritually, and restores a deep sense of God’s near presence and holiness.  All this ushers in a vivid sense of sin and profound exercise of heart in repentance, praise, and with an evangelistic overflow”.  Stephan Olford writes, “Revival is that strange, sovereign work of God in which He visits the people-restoring, reanimating, and releasing them into the fullness of His blessing.  Such a divine intervention will issue in evangelism, though, in the first instance, it is a work of God in the Church and among individual believers”.  Charles Finney, the revivalist of the early nineteenth century, defined revival concisely as “a new beginning of obedience”.  Simply put a new closeness to God; a new passion for Christ; A new love for God; A new holiness in life; A new filling and refreshing of the Holy Spirit.  One of my favorite descriptions of revival is from John Wesley.  He wrote, “We need to storm the throne of Grace and persevere therein, and mercy will come down.  I continue to dream and to pray about revival…in our day, that moves forth in mission and creates authentic community, in which each person can be unleashed through the empowerment of the Spirit, to fulfill God’s intentions!”  Probably the best quote I have been influenced by on revivals is by Andrew Bonar.  He wrote, “Revivals begin with God’s own people, The Holy Spirit touches their hearts anew, and gives them a new fervor, and compassion, and zeal, new light and life, and after He has come to the Church, He next goes to the Valley of Dry Bones…Oh what responsibility this lays upon the Church of God.  If you grieve Him away or hinder His visit-the poor perishing world suffers sorely!”  The responsibility for the condition of America and the World may just be related to the fact that we have neglected the continual need of revival in the life of the Church to keep God’s people passionate and productive in our ministries to that very world!

One of the complaints I often heard about revivals was that the same people came forward revival after revival to re-dedicate their lives anew and afresh to the Lord Jesus Christ!  My response has always been– “WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH THAT!  PERHAPS THAT IS WHAT HAD KEPT THE CHURCH ON THE CUTTING EDGE”.  Like the Hymn, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing says, “Prone to Wander, Lord I feel it.  Prone to leave the God I love!”  If rededication, at a minimum of once per year, kept us vitally functioning as Christians individually, and Churches collectively…then Praise The Lord.  We could use a few rededications right now!  I came across an interesting story the other day.  It was the story of a man of God that felt the call to be a missionary to Formosa.  Formosa was the Portuguese name for Taiwan.  The Chinese country in the Far East, recently given back to mainland China.  Thomas Barclay answered the call to go as a missionary to Formosa, and ministered there for over 60 years.  He translated the entire Bible into their language.  Behind that life of service lay a covenant with God that he wrote when he was sixteen, and which he renewed every year for the rest of his life!  (I would call that a re-dedication).  It read, in part, “This day do I, with the utmost solemnity, surrender myself to Thee.  I renounce all former lords that have had dominion over me, and I consecrate to Thee all that I have:  the faculties of my mind, the members of my body, my worldly possessions, my time, and my influence over others; to be all used entirely for Thy glory, and resolutely employed in obedience to Thy commands, as long as Thou continuest me in this life; with ardent desire and humble resolution to continue Thine through all the ages of eternity; ever holding myself in an attentive position to observe, with zeal and joy, to the immediate execution of it.  To Thy direction also I resign myself, and all that I am and have, to be disposed of by Thee in such a manner as Thou in Thine infinite wisdom shall judge most subservient to the purposes of Thy glory.  To Thee I leave the management of all events, and say without reserve, ‘Not my will, but Thine, be done!’ “Renewing that annually brought about 60 plus years of faithful service.  I would, without hesitation, define that as an on-going REVIVAL!

When we usually talk about revivals we refer to Great Awakenings of the Past.  It has been so long that they are now viewed as “Ancient History!”  No one expects to see them ever come again.  Shame on us.  God has not changed!  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!  One of my favorite quotes speaks to this very subject.  It is a quote from the great Scottish Preacher and Theologian-James Stewart.  He wrote, “It is God’s way to go beyond the best that He has done before; therefore a living faith will always have in it a certain element of surprise and tension and discovery; that what we have seen and learned of God up to the present is not to be the end of our seeing, nor the sum total of our learning; that whatever we have found in Christ is only a fraction of what we can still find; that the spiritual force which in the great days of the past vitalized the Church and shaped the course of history has not exhausted its energies or fallen into abeyance but is liable to burst out anew and take control.  God is promising wonders that He has never done before so that there will be more jubilant doxologies, more exultant hallelujahs.  For there is no limit to the love of God, no end to the redeeming Grace of Christ, and NO EXHAUSTION OF THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT”. (“Expect Great Things From God”-The River of Life: Sermons of James S. Stewart-1972). My prayer is– “God Do It Again!”  “Do it as you have never done it before!”  “Lord send a revival-let it begin in me-in us-and spread like wild-fire”.  WE HAVE NOT SEEN THE LAST OF HIS BEST!  BELIEVE IT!

 Posted by at 1:39 pm

“A Brand Plucked From the Fire-with the World His Gospel Parish”

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Jul 112021

   PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE: “A Brand Plucked From the Fire-with the World His Gospel Parish”.

  One of the most interesting and impacting Christian influences of the 18th Century was John Wesley.  Historians feel that he, and possibly George Whitefield, are the reason that England escaped the Revolutionary tragedy and turmoil that plagued France during this same time in history.  His spiritual influence brought such a revival to England that created an entirely different culture than the one that nearly destroyed France, John Wesley was born June 28, 1703, to an Anglican minister Samuel Wesley, and his wife Susannah.  John was the 15th, of 19 children!  His mother was the 25th child of 25!  One would think that John was mostly influenced by his minister father, but we are told that all of the Wesley children were impacted most by their godly mother.  Somehow, she had time to spend individual time with each one of them, (a challenge when there is only 24 hours in a day).  She taught them the Word of God, to pray, and to live by very strict Christian behavior toward each other and those in the outside world.  John would be ingrained with these Christian methods so much that he would carry them with him the rest of his life!  Many historians refer to Susannah Wesley as the Mother of Modern-day Methodism!  Even after he left home for his college education, he turned to his mother asking her to define sin for him.  She responded, “whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, takes off your relish for spiritual things, whatever increases the authority of the body over the mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may seem in itself”.  She not only taught them the Scriptures, but taught them to study it in its original language, from the Greek New Testament.  An incident that occurred while John was quite young, shaped him the rest of his life.  The Wesley home caught fire.  All of the family escaped the flames, except John.  He was trapped on the second floor.  There was no way of escape.  Neighbors recognizing the emergency of the situation, formed a human ladder, (standing on each other’s shoulders), to reach up and out to rescue young John.  For the rest of his life he referred to himself as “a brand plucked from the fire”-quoting what God said of Joshua the High Priest in Zechariah 3:2.

     John and his brother Charles went to Oxford.  While there they formed, with two other students, the Holy Club, where they emphasized practical methods and rules for living the practical Christian life.  Again, this was from the influence of his godly mother who tried to make the commandments of Scripture every day exercises in holiness for her children. John had an insatiable appetite to know and please God.  James Oglethorpe had founded a colony in Georgia where many from debtor’s prison in England were sent.  He asked John and Charles to go to this parish and minister to these prisoners, and also to evangelize the Indians.  In October of 1735 they sailed on the Simmonds ship to the Province of Georgia, in the American colonies.  It was on this trip that he met and was greatly influenced by the Moravian missionaries that were on the same trip.  On the way to the New World, the ship encountered a life-threatening storm, and it was clear the ship was going to sink.  The Moravians sang hymns and rejoiced calmly.  John Wesley was terrified of death.  The Moravian pastor asked John why he was so terrified.  He asked him “don’t you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior?”  John would write of the incident later in his journals, that he immediately responded “Of course I do!”, but admitted that his confession even sounded hollow to his own ears!  He spent two years ministering to prisoners and Indians in Georgia.  He and Charles were not well received!  They decided to return home.  John was returning a broken and disillusioned man.  He wrote in his journals-“I went to Georgia to convert the heathen and the Indians.  Who will convert me?”  Upon returning to England he continued to meet with the Moravians.  At one of their Bible studies, at Aldersgate Street London, May 24, 1738, they were studying the Book of Romans from Martin Luther’s commentary on Romans.  When the leader read the preface to the commentary that described Luther opening his heart to the salvation of the Lord that was received by faith alone-John Wesley would later write in his journal-“I felt my heart strangely warmed, and at that point, instead of trusting my methods of Christian living for my salvation, I do believe I trusted in Jesus Christ alone as my Savior and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death”.  That was a turning point in his life indeed!  He was not received well in the Anglican Church, rejected by the Bishops and clergy, He followed the example of George Whitefield, beginning an itinerant ministry.  He turned to preaching the Gospel of Grace in the open fields.  His motto became-“the world is my parish”.  He became adept at open-air preaching.  He began to draw crowds into the thousands at his services.  He was a small man, 5 foot 6 inches 120 pounds.  When he preached, he had to stand on a chair, or a rock, or a hill, or man-made platform.  He preached on an average 15 sermons a week, He continued to preach to this Gospel parish for the next 50 years!  Over that time, he preached over 40,000 sermons.  He traveled on horseback the length and breadth of England-altogether more than 250,000 miles on horseback.  He would be seen traveling on horseback, reading his Greek New Testament, and preparing messages.  He said, “He destroyed his sermons every seven years, and wrote new ones”.  He felt that he was a failure if he could not write better sermons as he went along!  They say that the miles he traveled, could have circled the world 10 times!  He did so often in the face of hostile crowds, on roads that were often only muddy ruts.  A contemporary described him as “the last word…in neatness and dress” and “his eye was the brightest and most piercing that can be conceived”.  Once a wild bull was turned loose on him and an audience he was addressing.  He was attacked, and sometimes robbed, but none of these things deterred him.  His ministry was greatly anointed by the Holy Spirit and the crowds responded in powerful conversions everywhere he went. His converts quickly numbered into the thousands!

     He was a powerful preacher and author.  He wrote, “Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils.  But if God be for you, who can be against you?  Are all of them together stronger than God?  Oh be not weary in well-doing!” Wesley was strongly Arminian in his theology.  He opposed strong Calvinism.  But in spite of that he did so with a sweet spirit.  He coined the phrase, “we can agree to disagree, agreeably!”  He wrote, “Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike?  May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion?  Without all doubt, we may.  here in all the children of God may unite, notwithstanding these smaller differences”.  Everywhere he went he reminded other Christians “You have one business on earth-to save souls!”  He gave himself to that ministry tirelessly!  His prayer was “may I never be useless for the work of God!”  He felt strongly about living the Christian life as well.  He wrote, “By salvation I mean not barely according to the vulgar notion deliverance from hell or going to heaven only, but a deliverance from sin, a restoration of the soul to its primitive health, its original purity, a recovery of the divine nature…after the image of God in righteousness and true holiness“.  He believed in giving generously to the Lord’s work.  He said, “When I earn any money, after taking care of my needs, I give it all away in His work lest it find a way into my heart, as an idol!”  “When a man becomes a Christian, he becomes industrious, trustworthy, and prosperous.  Now if that man when he gets all he can, and does not five all he can, I have no more hope for Judas Iscariot than for that man!”  He also said, “Cleanliness is next to godliness”, and wrote a Medical journal that became famous, and catalogued many popular and home remedies of his day.  He was known for saying, “Untold millions are still untold, until we tell them!”  “though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry!”  He also said, “I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn!”  (Charles Spurgeon followed his example!).  He was a humble servant of the Lord.  He and George Whitefield often disagreed on theology.  Wesley did not fully embrace eternal security.  George Whitefield did.  People asked Wesley if he thought he would see Whitefield in heaven?  He quickly responded, “No!”  They thought his response was unfair, until he explained-“George will be so close to the throne of God, and I so far away that it will be quite unlikely I will even be able to see him!”  Let me share two of my favorite quotes from Wesley.  One is about the Bible.  He wrote, “it could not be the invention of good men or angels; they neither would nor could make a book, and tell lies all the time they were writing it, saying ‘Thus says the Lord’ when it was their own invention.  It could not be the invention of bad men or devils; for they could not make a book which commands all duty, forbids all sin, and condemns their souls to hell to all eternity, without Christ!  Therefore, I draw this conclusion that the Bible must be of Divine Inspiration.  I am a creature of a day, passing through life as an arrow through the air.  I am a spirit come from God and returning to God.  Just hovering over the great gulf; til a few moments hence, I am no longer seen.  I drop into an unchangeable eternity!  I want to know one thing-the way to heaven.  How to land safe on that happy shore.  God has condescended to teach the way.  For this very end he came from heaven.  he hath written it down in a book.  Oh, give me that book!  At any price give me that book! Give me the Book of God!  I have it.  Here is knowledge enough for me!  Let me be Homo Unius Libri-a man of one book!”  The other quote I admire is the one he said, “Give me 100 men, who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, I care not a whit whether they be clergy or layperson, and I shall shake the very gates of hell!”.  That was his life’s goal.  He led the way for far more than 100 men and women!  He did so for nearly fifty years of incessant itinerary witnessing and ministry! 

     On June 28, 1790, one year before his death he wrote, “This day I enter into my eighty-eighth year.  For above eighty-six years, I found none of the infirmities of old age: my eyes did not wax dim, neither was my natural strength abated.  But last August, I found almost a sudden change.  My eyes were so dim that no glasses would help me.  My strength likewise now quite forsook me and probably will not return in this world!”  He died on March 2, 1791, at an age of 87.  As he lay dying, his friends and family gathered around him.  Wesley grasped their hands and said repeatedly, “Farewell, Farewell!  The best of all is, God is with us” he lifted his arms and raised his feeble voice again, repeating the words “The best of all is God is with us!”  His biographer writes, “He witnessed in the hearts and lives of many thousands and saw God’s provision for his work to last for future generations!”  If you visit his tomb, in London, England, you will be touched by his epitaph-“To the memory of the venerable John Wesley, late fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford-This great light arose to enlighten…and revive, enforce, and defend the pure apostolic doctrines and practices of the primitive Church, which he continued to do both with his writings and labors for more than half a century…Reader if thou art constrained to bless the instrument-give God the glory.  After languishing a few days, he finished his course and life together, gloriously triumphing over death, March 2nd, 1791 in his eighty-eighth year of his life.”  He was a brand plucked from the fire, who spent all the days of his life, in the world that was his Gospel parish, plucking others from the fire with all of his strength-and good method to follow! No pun intended!

 Posted by at 1:29 pm

“Be Pedestaled in Triumph”-Robert Browning

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Jul 042021

PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE: “Be Pedestaled in Triumph”-Robert Browning.

     Paschal, in his masterpiece Penses, tried to explain why the world in his day, like ours, seems lost in their insatiable pursuit of pleasure at any cost.  He said, “What else does this craving, and this helplessness proclaim but that there was once in man true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace?  This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, thou none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words (can only be filled) by God Himself”.  In other words, Pascal was saying that man, created in the image of God, can only be fulfilled when, as the Westminster Shorter Catechism states, “the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever!”.  Part of the wages of sin is to “fall short of the glory of God” but have this insatiable desire to know, love and experience Him.  If we do not come back to Him, and experience Him fully, through the salvation provided in His Son Jesus Christ, we will spend our lives seeking Him in an infinite insatiable experience, only to be left empty, disappointed, disillusioned, frustrated.  Even living lives of reckless abandon to all kinds of so-called pleasures and vices are affirmations that we are hungering for a God we were made to know, love and experience to His satisfying fullness.  That is why Augustine said, “We are restless until we find our rest in you oh God!”.  C.S. Lewis, in his book The Abolition of Man, made this very amazing point when he said, “Pleasures are shafts of glory as it strikes our sensibility…but aren’t there bad, unlawful pleasures? (you ask).  Certainly, there are.  But in calling them ‘bad pleasures’ I take it we are using a kind of shorthand.  We mean ‘pleasures snatched by unlawful acts’.  It is the stealing of the apples that is bad, not the sweetness of the apples.  The sweetness is still a beam from glory.”  Lewis was saying enjoying pleasure and ecstasy, even in immoral ways, are in themselves an act of seeking to enjoy and experience God.  We may experience the pleasure through immoral and illicit means, but it is not the sweetness that is bad, but the means.  It still reflects the original desire of God to give us His “every good and perfect gift”.  But the reason we fail to retain the enjoyment of these illicit experiences is because we were never intended to enjoy them outside of Him.  They come, through proper means, from His Hand, with His blessing, and cause us then to react to the pleasure by enjoying Him.  That is what Lewis went on to say-“The sweetness is still a beam from glory…I have tried since …to make every pleasure into a channel of adoration.  I don’t mean simply by giving thanks, but I meant something different…Gratitude exclaims very properly, ‘How god of God to give me this’.  Adoration says, ‘what must be the quality of that Being (God) whose far-off and momentary blessings to me are like this! One’s mind runs back up the sunbeam to the sun…’ “

     Therefore, the only real answer to overcoming addictions and destructive lifestyles is to see them for what they are.  They are insatiable pursuits of trying to enjoy the pleasures God intends for us to find only in Him, and His Son Jesus.  To try to experience those sweet pleasures from His hand, in illicit ways, will eventually prove to be “pleasure in sin for a season”-and lead to unhappiness.  You and I cannot fill the infinite abyss with finite pleasures, even if they come from the hand of God, if they are experienced apart from putting Him first in our lives.  That is why Emerson said, “Most men, (and women) lead lives of quiet desperation!”  So, it is the enemy’s goal to lead us to seek to fulfill our God-given drives and desires independent of God.  That is where most men and women in the world today are living.  We have believed the lie-“you only go around once so you have to grab all the gusto you can”. But when we realize that we can overcome these destructive lifestyles, with the strength of God, we are freed to experience Him, and in doing so can experience pleasures just as sweet, but in a way that is a gift from Him, and is therefore fulfilling and satisfying.  That is why Jesus said, in John 10:10 “I am come that you might have life…and have it more abundantly”.  That is why Augustine said, “God permits temptation to sin, to transform it into greater good.”  C.S. Lewis also hit the nail on the head, when he said, “Bad people, in one sense, know very little about badness.  They have lived a sheltered life by always giving in.  We never find out the strength of evil impulse until we try to fight it!”  It is a lie of the devil that God says no to us, because He wants to deprive us of pleasure and joy.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Truth is pleasure and joy cannot be found, even in God’s gifts if they are sought to be enjoyed apart from Him.  The Gifts are inseparably linked to the Giver!  You can experience them without Him.  He created us for them.  But you can’t enjoy them without Him.  That is the message of the Book of Ecclesiastes.  Solomon tried and did everything.  No limits!  No restraints!  His conclusion?  Live your life for pleasure, apart from putting God first, and you will be “chasing the wind” and concluding “vanity of vanities all is vanity!”. 

   Robert Browning has written a great poem about Temptation- He wrote:

     Why comes temptation, but for man to meet

     And master and make, crouch beneath his feet,

     And so be pedestaled in triumph.

     God wants us to resist the temptation to seek out all the pleasures this world offers if we are not walking intimately with Him.  He wants us to come back to Him.  Embrace Him.  Love Him.  We will find that at His right hand are “pleasures evermore” (Psalm 16:11).  He says, “Take delight in Me and I will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:4).  That is why the Jesus people, of the seventies, found Jesus even more satisfying than a life of illicit sex and drugs.  He proved to be the one who satisfied most, when all those things, pursued without Jesus, were only destructive dead-end streets!  That why they talked about getting the genuine high with Jesus.  He never lets you down.  A genuine and intimate relationship with God, through salvation in His son Jesus is the only answer to the destructive call and pull of this world.  This is illustrated for us in Homer’s Odyssey.  Odysseus was trying to get home to his family and was having a hard time doing it.  Along the way he encountered the enchanting and dangerous Circe who, it was said, turned men into pigs.  When Odysseus successfully avoided her attractions, she confided in him that a sterner test lay ahead-the Sirenes, lusty, luscious maidens whose island lay along the straits and whose songs lured travelers away from hearth and home.  Circe advised Odysseus to have his men plug their ears with wax, and tie himself to the mast.  Odysseus did have his men do just that!  But he had an additional idea-his friend Orpheus, who was also an accomplished musician, was asked to sit on the deck and make a sweet melody that would turn Odysseus’ ears and heart away from the lure of the Sirens, as they passed by.  In that way he stayed the course and passed the test.  The best way to avoid being disappointed by the lure of the lesser is to fill our hearts with the lure of the greater-God, in His Son Jesus Christ.  He will not only give us the pleasures we sought outside of Him, he will give us greater pleasures, that will satisfy our hearts.  That is why Scripture implores us to “taste and see that the Lord is Good!”  (Ps. 34:8). 

     The Christian band Skillet has a unique way of expressing this truth.  In their song, Better Than Drugs they sing:

     Your love is like wine

      Feel you comin’ on so fast

      Feel you comin’ to get me high

      You’re better than drugs

      Addicted for life

      Feel you when I’m restless

      Feel you when I cannot cope

      You’re my addiction, my prescription, my antidote.

Those might not be our first choice of words for lyrics…but they express a true experience we all need.  Let Jesus be…. our antidote…we definitely need one!  He is the answer!

 Posted by at 1:31 pm