“Hard to Remember-Easy to Forget”

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Aug 282016

PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE: “Hard to Remember-Easy to Forget”. 

By: Ron Woodrum


     A wise man once said that important truths and events can be “hard to remember, and so easy to forget!”  That is a truth we must never forget-and always remember.  It is fearfully easy to forget great events and live as they had never occurred.  George Bernard Shaw emphasizes that in his novel St. Joan King Charles, who could have come to Joan’s rescue, but did not, and knew what an awful thing he had done.  He never knew what cruelty was like until he saw the young girl burned to death.  Shaw has King Charles dreaming that he is meeting Joan- after she is burned at the stake.  He dreams that the chaplain tells him he was redeemed and saved by seeing the young girl burned to death.  When told of the dream, Bishop Cauchon asks the chaplain, “were not the sufferings of Christ enough for you?”.  The chaplain replies, “Oh no, not at all.  I had seen them in pictures and read of them in books, and been greatly moved by them, as I thought.  But it was no use.”  Then Cauchon exclaims, “Must then a Christ perish in torment in every age to save those who have no imagination?”  Somehow, over the years, though still recorded in paintings and books, the death of Christ can lose its impact if it is not brought back before the eyes of every generation.  “Hard to remember-easy to forget”.

     It is frightfully easy to forget Calvary and to live as if that event had never taken place.  There are, of course, times when we do become conscious of the truth.  It may be at some quiet Communion service when the bread and juice are given as emblems of Christ’s sacrifice, or it may be at some high hour of dedication and commitment when the tides of the Spirit are running high and lives are deeply moved and freely offered.  But the fogs close in; the horizons narrow; indifference and selfishness becomes the order of the day again, and we forget and go on living as if that event never took place.  Following the crucifixion life moved on in Jerusalem, no doubt, about as it had before.  There was the same bartering and haggling in the market place; the same shrewd financial deals in the places of exchange; things went on about the same way in the homes.  There was not much change in people’s attitude toward God and men, toward the sacred and the holy.  Anatole France, in his book Mother of Pearl, pictures Pilate as an old man talking to a friend.  The friend mentions the crucifixion of Jesus.  He asked,“Pontus, do you remember anything about the man?”  After a long thoughtful pause, Pilate answers, “Jesus?-Jesus of Nazareth?   I cannot call Him to mind”.  I really doubt if Pilate forgot his encounter with Jesus.  But I believe that such a tragedy can become a reality, as we let other things push His sacrifice to the periphery of history.

But there is one man who never forgot the day he encountered Calvary and the Christ.  The great Scot preacher, Arthur John Gossip, in the Hero in Thy Soul, thinks that Simon of Cyrene is one man who never forgot the events of Calvary.  He came into the city from the country just as the mob was moving toward Calvary.  He saw the crowd, and in curiosity moved toward it, only to be compelled to help Jesus carry His cross.  He may have protested, and became angry and humiliated at first.  But he would likely remember the incident in another vein and spirit for the rest of his life.  He would likely later say of the event-“Blessed be the privilege!  Once more I am permitted to make His task a little lighter by participating in His suffering.  Once in the long ago, by God’s grace, I was allowed to make the hill of calvary a little less severe; now, the privilege is mine again.  Most gladly will I perform this deed in His name.”  And so by acts great and small, by service that was easy and service that called for sacrifice, Simon kept that great event fresh in his mind and heart.

And that is how it has to be done if it is to be done at all.  Let us never neglect nor depreciate the hours of quiet and sacred worship.  We shall be utterly undone if we do.  But, ultimately the only way to keep the cross of Christ vividly before us, fresh within us,  so that it could perform its task through us, is to take up our own cross and go marching off after Him.  For the cross of Calvary is not primarily a thing to be adored but a life giving truth to be lived.  It must become a very part of of the lives that we live; it must be ground into the very soil and substance of our existence; its spirit and power must overshadow, undergird, overarch every act of life.  It needs to become the standard by which we measure our own lives, action and everything about us.

The great English journalist and author, who became a Christian late in life, Malcolm Muggeridge found this truth to be real to him in a very personal way.  He writes, in his book Jesus Rediscovered, “I would catch a glimpse of a cross, not necessarily a crucifix; maybe two pieces of wood accidently nailed together, on a telegraph pole, for instance-and suddenly my heart would stand still.  In an instinctive and intuitive way I understood that something more important,  more tumultuous, more passionate, was at issue than our good causes, however admirable they might be…It was, I know, an obsessive interest…I might fasten bits of wood together myself, or doodle it. This symbol, which was considered to be derisory in my home, was yet also the focus of inconceivable hopes and desires…As I remember this, a sense of my own failure  lies leadenly upon me.  I should have worn it over my heart; carried it, a precious standard never to be wrested out of my hands; it should have been my cult, my uniform, my language, my life.  I shall have no excuse;  I can’t say I didn’t know.  I knew from the beginning and turned away.”

     There is an old legend that said it was never safe to die until one had taken a stick and marked on the earth the sign of the cross.  Legend or superstition?  Of course, and yet!  As is so often the case, a legend is basesd upon a great truth.  For until we mark the earth, our work, our lives, our influence, with the cross we can neither live nor die rightly.  Run that truth out into life and see its relevancy.  Such a mark will help us keep the saving truth of Calvary something the world will never forget!  “Hard to remember-easy to forget”.  Not on our watch!


 Posted by at 1:04 pm


Aug 212016


By:  Ron Woodrum


The year was 1787. A group of Baptist Clergymen were meeting to debate whether it is the responsibility and duty of Christians to spread the Gospel. William Carey, after reading the sermons of Jonathan Edwards, and the Diary of David Brainerd, was feeling an overwhelming call to share the Gospel with those who desperately needed to meet the Savior. He was trying to enlist others to join him in the Divine endeavor. It was at that meeting, that a very hyper-Calvinist Baptist Clergy, by the name of John Collett Rylands, told William Carey, “Sit down young man, when God pleases to convert the heathen, He will do it without your help or mine!” That statement did not dissuade William Carey and neither should it give us hesitation. In Matthew 9 we read about Jesus weeping over the multitudes of lost and perishing people of His day. He was visibly shaken and wept over them. He then told his disciples to join Him in the activity of praying for, and persuading those very people to come to Him. He issues the same challenge to us today. What a privilege for us. Followers of Jesus are co-laborers with Him in His ministry of Seeking and Saving those who are perishing! But we must, as true followers of Him, possess the qualities that were in the nature of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

John Ruskin, famous poet and art critic, once said that a great artist must possess three qualities: (1) An eye to see and appreciate the beauty of the scene that he desires to capture and catch on canvas. (2) A heart to feel and register the beauty and the atmosphere of the scene (3) A hand to perform -to transfer to canvas what the eye has seen and the heart has felt. Those same qualities were resident in our Savior and necessary to all who would follow and join Him in the work of taking broken pieces and building them into beautiful possibilities. Jesus focused on those who needed Him. He had an eye that identified them. He never looked past them! He focused on them. The images He saw broke His heart! The eyes that saw them soon filled with tears of compassion for them. Jesus saw the blind men; Jesus saw the lepers; Jesus saw the deaf; the dumb; the paralytics. He saw the hated publicans; he saw the prostitutes; He saw the woman at the well; He saw the demoniac at Gadara; He saw Zacchaeus in the Sycamore tree; He saw the woman with the hemorrhage; He saw the Centurion weeping over his child that had died. Someone has said, “Eyes that look are common-Eyes that See are rare!” Jesus had eyes that saw. Really saw!

But what Jesus focused on moved Him to feeling. They broke His heart! Matthew 9:36 says “When He saw the crowds-He had compassion on them!” The word compassion means “to feel with”. Their needs touched Him deeply. The disciples were known for being able to see the needs of people but not moved to compassion. They could ignore the woman with the issue of blood. Jesus said, “Who touched me”. They were bothered by the “little Children” and wanted to keep them away from Jesus. Jesus said, “Permit them to come to me, forbid them not!” They wanted to send the multitudes away hungry, but Jesus said have them sit down, “we must feed them and meet their needs!” That is our compassionate Savior! A.W. Tozer said that the problem with not focusing on the desperate needs of others, and not feeling compassion for their needs is because we are too occupied with our own needs and happiness. He called it “our irresponsible pursuit of happiness” that keeps us preoccupied with ourselves. We would rather enjoy our own happiness than to be gripped by other people’s needs, hurts, and sorrows. We never focus on them, so we never feel with them. Our Savior did both! Someone has said that television and movies have had a deleterious effect on the emotions of our generation. Constant familiarity with scenes of tragedy, horror, violence, and simulated emotion has made our emotions so superficial that it is difficult to feel anything deeply. We see terrible scenes, are shocked for a moment, then turn to the next program. We have grown emotionally superficial, and that has spilled over into our spiritual lives! Not Jesus. A weeping God! What a concept! Tears streamed down His cheeks, as His heart broke for the very ones He would be crucified to save.

Jesus’ focus led to His feeling. But His feeling led to His forming. He in turn moved into action. He had an eye to focus; a heart to feel; and a hand to form and perform a work that would transform lives. Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan. There was a victim in great need-perishing. The priest saw the victim-but “passed by on the other side”. The Levite too saw him, stopped and looked closer, but “passed by on the other side”. But Jesus said, “The Samaritan” (and his enemies called Him a Samaritan-see John 8), had compassion, stopped and did all that was necessary to save the fallen one. Then He told all of us to “go and do likewise”. Without the eye to “focus”; the heart “to feel”; and the hand “to form, perform, and transform” we will not follow through. Jesus told His disciples “to look on the fields” white and ready to harvest. Then pray for laborers. It is hard to pray for laborers and not be willing to join the workers who are involved in the good harvest.

The prophet Jeremiah talked about sinners lives being “vessels that are marred”. But he emphasized that the Potter does not throw the broken marred clay away. He is gifted at taking those broken, marred, fragile clay pots and transforming them into beautiful and useful vessels again by the touch of the Potter. (See Jeremiah 17). Paul picked up on this theme when He talked of Salvation in Ephesians 2:8-10. In verses 8-9 he states, “For by grace ye have been saved, through faith, not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast”, But he doesn’t stop there. Instead he says that those “saved by grace” are God’s “workmanship”. That word is beautifully expressive. It is the Greek word “poema”. The word means a “piece of artwork”. A poem; a sculpture; a picture; something created that reflects the nature and skill of its creator. When our lives are formed, conformed, transformed by the hand of God we become His masterpieces. Our new lives bring Him great glory. As the heavens reflect the glory of God as His creation; so our transformed lives as “new creatures in Christ” bring Him glory. C.S. Lewis understood this when he said that “It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses to remember that the dullest most uninteresting person you can talk to may one day be a creature which if you saw now would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare. All day long we are, in some degree helping each other to one or the other of these destinations…immortal horrors or everlasting splendors” (Weight of Glory).

If we have those three ingredients-eyes to focus; heart to feel; and hands to touch and form we can be co-laborers with our Savior in winning people to Him by the transforming Gospel. Instead of listening to John Rylands tell us “God will do it without us”. Let’s make ourselves available so that He can do it with us and through us. Someone has said, “Without Him we can’t-Without us He won’t!” The answer-We Can Do It Together!

Several years ago I heard Charles Swindoll tell the story of a mother who took her young child to hear Padereski, the famous Polish pianist that was performing at a black-tie affair. She wanted her son to hear him perform so that he would be impressed with what he could become. But he got weary of waiting and squirming restlessly in his seat. While his mother was talking excitedly with the person seated to her other side-the boy disappeared. Strangely drawn by the ebony concert grand sitting majestic and alone in the center of the stage-he made his way to it and sat down on the tufted leather stool, placed his small hands on the black and white keys and begin to play “chopsticks!” The crowd reacted- “Get that boy away from there!” “Where’s his mother?” “Somebody stop him!” Backstage Paderewski heard the uproar and the sound of the simple tune. When he saw what was happening he hurriedly made his way to the stage, walked up behind the lad. He reached his arms around him and began to improvise a countermelody. As the two made music together the master pianist kept whispering “Don’t quit. Keep going”. Together they made music that amazed the audience. So with us! With his touch together we can make a beautiful masterpiece!


 Posted by at 5:23 pm


Aug 142016


By:  Ron Woodrum


There is a growing religious point of view that is sweeping our country over the past two decades. It is a view that it is ok for you to believe what you want, and have the freedom to practice it. But it should remain a personal matter of worship. You should not be trying to convince anyone else who doesn’t accept your view to consider changing. It has caused our government to begin changing the terminology it uses in discussing our protected freedoms in America. The constitution has always protected our freedom of religion. But lately, even in immigration testing, the terminology has been changed to freedom of worship, not freedom of religion. Is there any difference in the terms? Aren’t they basically the same? Isn’t it just a matter of semantics, (i.e. a choice of favorite words)? No-there is a BIG DIFFERENCE! Freedom of Religion protected not just our choice of private worship-but included our public expression of living and sharing that faith. Freedom of Worship guarantees our rights to worship whoever, and however we choose, in private, behind the four walls of our Church, but it does not guarantee our public expression of that faith both in practice and proclamation! As a matter of fact we are told that Churches in Cuba have freedom of worship, but they cannot publically share that faith outside the four walls of the Church! Michelle Boorstein, in her article Freedom of Religion vs. Freedom of Worship, writes “freedom of worship includes the right to gather, pray, sing, etc. but the freedom of religion encompasses much more-the freedom of public display, advocate for, protest, and most notably: proselytize.” She refers to Knox Thames, the director of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom-A Congress-controlled body tasked with monitoring religious freedom abroad-spoke at a recent briefing about the worry, saying the change in wording has not been by accident. Well-known religious freedom advocate and Georgetown University Professor Thomas Farr agrees. The tragedy is we are in danger of losing our religious freedom to show and share our faith. The tide of public opinion agrees we can believe what we want-but keep it to ourselves. Most evangelical Churches aren’t protesting because…WE DON’T SHARE OUR FAITH ANYWAY!!! WE NEED TO WAKE UP! SOON WE MAY FIND THAT IF WE WANT TO OBEY OUR LORD’S COMMISSION TO GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES-WE WON’T HAVE THAT FREEDOM ANY LONGER! Another fulfillment of what Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!”


This is not a new problem. Over one hundred years ago the Great British Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon spoke on this issue. He wrote, “Etiquette nowadays often demands of a Christian that he should not intrude his religion on company. Out with such etiquette! IT IS THE ETIQUETTE OF HELL! True courtesy to my fellow’s soul makes me speak to him, if we believe that soul to be in danger!” He went on to say, “Having joined the Church of God, are any of you satisfied to be silent? Are you content to let those around you sink to hell? What! Never tell of Christ’s love? Never speak of salvation to your own children? Can this be right? In God’s name wake up! What are you left on this earth for? Is there nothing for you to do, why are you still in this sinful world?” If we value our salvation, understand it, it should cause us to want others to experience it as well. He said, “I am sure of this: It is impossible to know the value of salvation without desiring to see others brought in. It is said of the renowned preacher, George Whitfield, that he said, ‘as soon as I was converted, I wanted to be the means of the conversion of all that I had ever known. There were a number of young men I had played cards with, sinned with, and transgressed with. The first thing I did was I went to their houses to see what I could do for their salvation. Nor could I rest until I had the pleasure of seeing many of them brought to the Savior.’ “Spurgeon felt that every believer should feel that way-share that burden and concern for friends that are lost. He said, “If you never have sleepless hours, if you never have weeping eyes, if your hearts never swell as if they would burst, you need not anticipate that you will be called zealous. You do not know the beginning of true zeal, for the foundation of Christian zeal lies in the heart. The heart must be heavy with grief and yet must beat high with holy ardor. The heart must be vehement in desire, panting continually for God’s glory, or else we shall never attain to anything like zeal which God would have us know.” Spurgeon felt like that is the attribute to be most desired by any Christian. He illustrated this clearly by saying, “If a man could tell me he had the power to stop Niagara with a word, I would not envy him his power if God would only allow me to stop the sinner in his mad career of sin. If a creature could put his finger on Vesuvius and quench its flame, I would not at all regret that I did not have any such power if I might but be the means of staying a blasphemer and teaching him to pray. This spiritual power is the greatest power imaginable, and the most to be desired!” That is the least we can do. Spurgeon pleaded with his Church members: “You cannot stop their dying, but, oh, that God might help you stop their being damned! You cannot stop the breath going from their bodies, but of, if the Gospel could but stop their souls from going down to destruction!” He continued, “If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not none go unwarned and unprayed for!”


Today’s message emphasizes that as followers of Jesus we should share the broken heart that our Lord expressed for those who were rejecting His best gift-the gift of salvation. But they did so over His tears, and His faithful pleading for their salvation. We can do no less!

 Posted by at 5:21 pm


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Aug 072016


By: Ron Woodrum


In Gone With The Wind, Scarlett O’Hara tells Rhett Butler, “I’ve felt that I was trying to row a heavily loaded boat in a storm.  I have had so much trouble just trying to keep afloat that I couldn’t be bothered about things that didn’t matter, things I could part with easily and not miss, like good manners and well-things like that.  I’ve been too afraid my boat would be swamped and so I’ve dumped overboard the things that seemed least important”.  She explained this by saying, “In the Deep South, women learn at a very young age that when the world is falling apart around you, it’s time to take down the drapes and make a new dress!”  Rhett agreed-to a point.  He replied, “You are right Scarlett-pride, honor, virtue, and truth, these things aren’t very important, (it seems), when your boat is sinking”.  But he reminded her-“it’s hard to salvage jettisoned cargo.  If it is retrieved it is usually irreparably damaged.  I fear that when you fish it up-the honor, and virtue, and kindness you’ve thrown overboard-you will find they have suffered a sea-change”.  What a lesson to those of us who claim to know and follow our Lord Jesus Christ.  When we find ourselves in the stressful days that these last days are, and we have rationalized that since our ship is sinking-it is ok to throw out the Spirit-produced fruits of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, forgiveness, and self-control, and live carnally according the urges of our flesh, not showing love to the world, or even to our fellow Christians, because the times are tough.  We had to salvage the boat, even if it means throwing overboard those virtues our Lord commanded us to have.  After all, we can recapture them at another time.  But like Rhett warned Scarlett-throwing those virtues overboard will not be without cost!  Those things are hard to recover-and when attempted we find there is some permanent damage.  Being unloving and unforgiving comes with a cost.  A high cost.


That is why Jesus spoke about this issue when He was leaving His disciples, and they would be facing the greatest crisis of their lives.  He told them that the most important thing for them was to hold on to His love!  The Bible says that Jesus “having loved His own, He loved them until the end” (John 13:1).  And as the end approached He gave them a new commandment-“that you love (agape) one another as I have loved you-ye are also to love one another.  And by this kind of love, (agape), all men, everyone that witnesses this love, will know that you are my disciples-IF you have this kind of love for one another” (John 13:34-35).  What kind of love did Jesus have for them?  What kind of love did He expect them to manifest to the world and to each other?  It is interesting that when the Bible talks about Jesus “loving” his own it uses different words for love.  You would think that when it says Jesus “loved” his own, it would use ONLY the word “agape”, which the N.T. uses of a sacrificial, unconditional love, a supernatural, God-like kind of love.  But actually if you study all the verses that talk about Jesus loving his own it uses both N.T. words.  It uses the word “phileo”-which speaks of a love that is centered in the things one finds attractive and loveable in the object loved.  In other words it says, Jesus loved “Mary, Martha, and Lazarus-(phileo) because he saw things in them he loved”! (John 11:5).  It says, when disciples reported Lazarus as sick they said, “the one you love, (phileo-are attracted to)-is sick”. (John 11:3).  When the crowd saw Jesus crying over the death of Lazarus they were moved, and said “how He loved him”-and the word they used was the word “phileo”-meaning “was so closely attracted to him”.  Even when Jesus took Peter aside to interrogate him concerning his love in question, it says “the disciple whom Jesus loved, (phileo), was standing nearby” (John 21:7).  The word for loved is the word “phileo” which means “to be attracted to” is used-as it is also used in John 20:2.  Was does this mean?  It means that the love we are to show the world and to each other is to be a love to finds positive things in each other to commend, and draw us close to each other over.  Jesus did this with His own.  There were things about each one that He was attracted to, and loved them for.  He couldn’t help it.  It was this kind of love that C.S. Lewis pointed to in his book Four Loves.  “Friendship…is born at the moment when one man says to another ‘what! You too?  I thought no one but myself felt this way’ “.  This kind of love and friendship (phileo) Lewis says, “is the instrument by which God reveals to each of us the beauties of others!”  Jesus knew that kind of love with his disciples.  He saw their good qualities that attracted Him, and He knew their potential.  He saw these things in Mary, Martha, Lazarus, John, Peter, and Nathanial, and all of his disciples.  He loved them because there were very special things about them that were loveable.  So must we.  But His love went beyond loving the loveable.  He said, in Luke 6 32, “If you love those that love you only, what thanks do you deserve?  Even sinners love those who they find attractive and find them attractive”.  Jesus said, “love your enemies, and love those who show no love toward you!”  He said, “Love and be kind to your enemies” (Luke 6:35.  The word “be kind” sums up agape love.  It is the Greek word “Chrestos”.  It means “show undeserved and unreturned goodness”.  That kind of love is a divine love.  It is a God-like love.  It is a supernatural love.  It is natural to love those to whom we are attracted.  It is reciprocal to love those who love us too.  But to love the unlovable; to love those who definitely don’t deserve it is the kind of love Jesus demonstrated Himself, and expects of us.  We are never, for any reason, and at anytime “throw that kind of love overboard” and feel we can justify ourselves!  Tertullian, one of the early Church fathers, said it was this kind of love that caught the attention to the lost world of his day.  It was the magnet that drew pagans to Christ, and brought great numbers of converts into the Church.  He wrote, “Our care for people who cannot help themselves, our works of love, have become a distinguishing mark by which our enemies recognize us:  ‘see how these Christians love one another’, they say, (for they themselves hate one another), ‘and how they are willing to die for one another’ ” As Jesus said, “By this kind of love men will know that you are my disciples” (John 13:35).  That is the only verifying mark of a true disciple.  Agape love-“loving the unlovable”-both in the world and in the Church.


Back in the seventies our Culture was confronted with Jesus through the Rock Musical Jesus Christ Superstar.  Most of what was presented there was a false presentation of who Jesus really is.  But it gave Christians of that day the opportunity to at least present the “real Jesus”.  Many came to know the real one from first being exposed to the musical.  One of the songs, by Yvonne Elliman, in the Opera asks a very important question.  She admits, in the perspective of Mary Magdalene, “I don’t know how to love Him”.  Her dilemma is after receiving Jesus’ love, and being changed by Him, how do I return His love?  That is a question we all must ask and answer.  Jesus told us how-exactly!  We can show Him love by loving a lost and dying world, even though they don’t deserve it.  We can show Him our love by loving each other, even when we don’t deserve it!  THAT IS HOW WE LOVE HIM-BY LOVING THEM!  AND EACH OTHER!


One of the greatest missionaries to Africa was Donald Frasier.  After 25 years of sacrificial service to Africa he returned home to Scotland.  The natives sent him a note of thanks.  In it they said, he had found them as savages, and left them immeasurably enriched, he had lifted them far above where they were when he had came, centuries above! He had given them schools, and churches, and had led them into a loving fellowship with Christ, and each other.  They closed the account with a sentence that deserves to live among all who would name the name of Christ.  They said, “We are ashamed we have not caught the infection of a like heart!”  We need to catch the infectious loving heart of our loving Savior.  That will be the magnet that will draw a lost world to Tri Valley Baptist Church-AND NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK!  NOTHING ELSE.  This community does not care how much we know-UNTIL THEY KNOW HOW MUCH WE CARE!  Partial love-half-way love.  None of it will work.

A.A. Milne wrote some great nursery verses.  One of them is called “Halfway Down”.


“Halfway down the stairs is a stair where I sit; there isn’t any stair quite like it; I’m not at the bottom, i’m not at the top-this is the stair where I always stop; Halfway up the stair isn’t up-halfway down the stair isn’t down.  It isn’t in the nursery-it isn’t in the town.  And all sorts of funny thoughts run round my head.  It isn’t really anywhere!  It’s somewhere else instead!”  It is easy to be half-way up or half-way down in our love for the lost and for each other.  Halfway is no way!  Conditional natural love attracts no one!  True followers of Jesus follow close enough to see how He loved.  That kind of love is the supernatural love He produces in us by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.  That kind of love is the magnet that will draw others to Him as it did in the days of His flesh.  The publicans, tax collectors, harlots, and sinners were attracted to Him by His love.  They still are.  The only heart that He has to express it through is ours.  Half-a loving heart will not do.  Today’s message tells us how to be a Marked Disciple that will impact the world and the Church with His love.


 Posted by at 1:50 pm