PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE: “A Reach That Exceeds Your Grasp”
By: Ron Woodrum
Despite anything that secularism can undermine; or that materialism can inhibit; or that humanism can defy-there is still a rampant interest in the question is there life after life? Does life, in whatever form, exist after life, as we know it? There has been various attempts to answer this question indeed! One attempted answer proved to be quite a novel approach. Shirley Maclaine wrote a book titled Out On A Limb. In her autobiographical book she affirmed her belief in life after life, because she believed that she was currently living out another life that was following previous ones. In a previous life she believed she was beheaded under Henry XV. Others in Hollywood picked up on her theme. Glen Ford believed he had been a Christian Martyr in a previous life and had been fed to the lions in the Coliseum. Lorretta Lynn believed that she had been a Cherokee Princess in a previous life. Sylvester Stone believed that he had been beheaded during the French Revolution. Though he now embraces a more evangelical view of the afterlife, since professing to be born again, and embracing a more Biblical faith. But for these their hidden past experiences were proof enough for them of life after death, at least in some form.
Dr. Kenneth Ring, Professor at the University of Connecticut, has been studying near death experiences for years. After studying these experiences of millions of Americans, and listening to them describe common features of experiencing light and love, he was convinced that there had to be something to this life experiences after death. After all- 8 million Americans can’t all be wrong, can they? Then too there was Dr. Duncan MacDougall, who was so convinced of life after death that he did scientific experiments on dying subjects to determine that the soul has weight when it leaves the body. He studied several terminally ill patients as they died, on beds fitted with sensitive beam scales, to determine that each time the dead bodies weighed precisely 3/4 ounces less. He calculated that the soul weighed precisely 21 grams. While he was convinced, certainly the scientific world was not convinced then, nor now!. But if you have encountered death up close and personal then you know that there is something significant and holy that exits at death that leaves a completely empty lifeless shell of what used to be a living soul. Irregardless of the exact weight, there is no doubt that the deceased is absent from the body, and the living are “bereaved” in every way!
In John chapter 11 we have the record of how death came in and devastated a leading family of Bethany. Jesus was a dear friend of this family. This chapter shows us how much we need the Lord of Life present if we are ever going to understand the truth of life after death. Of course you know the story. Jesus’ good friend Lazarus became ill. He grew worse. They sent an urgent word for Jesus to come before it was too late. By the time Jesus got there Lazarus was dead. He had been dead now for four days. The Jews believed that the spirit hovered around the body for three days, but on the fourth, after decomposition set in, the spirit left with a finality of never returning. That dead-line had passed. Lazarus was irreversibly dead! Nothing could be done. Death was final. Into that scene came the Lord of Life! Note what happened. Martha went out to meet him with the words, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died!” With all the weeping, and the heartbreak. We are told, from the Greek New Testament that “Jesus burst into tears”. He mingled his tears with Martha and Mary’s tears. Martha was devastated. Is there life after death? She looks to Jesus. Notice that first of all she expresses a Word of Agitation. She cries out, “Lord, If you had been here my brother would not have died!” She spoke out of frustration and disappointment. We have felt that haven’t we? Why doesn’t the Divine Arm move with more velocity? It seems at times He could have prevented alot of heartaches, sickness, and bereavement, if He had just heard our cries and responded to our needs! So she spoke with a word of aggravation. We can rest assured it is ok to express that kind of hurt of our loving Lord. He is big enough to handle it.
But notice something else. She did not stop with aggravation. She next spoke a Word of Aspiration. She said, “Even now, I know that what you ask of God, he will do it for you!” HER REACH EXCEEDED HER GRASP! Let me say it again, “HER REACH EXCEEDED HER GRASP!” She had a sense of faith she could not even articulate. She would not even dared to believe, that after 4 days, after decomposition has set in, after the spirit has deserted the dead body, and arrived in Abraham’s bosom, that she would ever see Lazarus alive. YET SHE REACHES OUT FOR SOMETHING. SOMETHING SHE KNOWS NOT WHAT. HER REACH EXCEEDS WHAT SHE CAN GRASP. But Jesus’ presence and power has a way of creating a faith deep within us that trusts Him to do something impossible; something we have no power to grasp in our own power, but faith in Him gives us a reach that goes beyond our grasp.
Then notice that He gives her a Word of Affirmatioin that leads to her Word of Affirmation. He tells her “your brother will rise again!” She responds, “Yes he will”. We all have exchanged those affirmations at the funeral home. We have been bewildered as we look down on the frozen features of our dead loved ones. Eyes that will never open again. Eyes that will never sparkle again. Lips that will never speak again. Hands that will never reach out for us again. And our hearts well up with affirmation and we tell each other-“You will see him again”. “You will see her again”. And we respond, “Yes…we will!” It’s at that time that Jesus promises more than a resurrection. He assures us-You have Me. I do more than give life. I AM LIFE. i do more than give Resurrection. I AM THE RESURRECTION! His presence and power enables us to REACH FOR WE KNOW NOT WHAT-BUT WE TRUST HIM. FAITH IN HIM ENABLES OUR REACH TO EXCEED OUR GRASP. HE THEN BECOMES OUR ANSWER TO THE QUESTION IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH. BUT MORE THAN THAT JOHN WOULD REMIND US THAT BECAUSE OF JESUS-THERE IS LIFE BEFORE DEATH. That is what John has been saying all along. With Jesus our reach exceeds our grasp even before death. We reach for a deeper life. We reach for an abundant life. We reach for a life filled with Life, with Light, with Liberty, with Love. Because of His presence and power we grasp a genuine life that comes from Him, and allow us to “live as He lived, in the World”. Today’s message gives us staying power for the last days when many are abondoning the faith in alarming numbers. If you hold on to these three spiritual anchors you will be assured of staying power!
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