Jun 252017

PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE:Don’t miss the One Needful Thing!”

By: Ron Woodrum


In  the book The Lexus and the Olive Tree, writer Thomas Friedman says that technological change and instant communication are creating two worlds-the fast world and the slow world, determinied by varied responses to globalization.  At an economic conference he stated that corporate life was going faster and faster and would leave less time for family, friendship, and fun.  At that conference, upon hearing the Friedman’s prediction, The Chairman of Sony America shouted out, “It sounds like you are describing hell!”  The family, friendship, and fun are not the only casualties to this fast-paced world.  The Church has let this hectic generation, where knowledge is doubling at an astronomical rate, cause us to miss out on the most important thing.  Howard Hendricks used to say-“It used to be that if we missed the stage-coach we would just say I will catch the next one next month.  But today if we miss a section of a revolving door we are in a tizzy!”  If we miss an hourly update on twitter or facebook we are frantic!  That kind of life has a way of crowding out the needful thing.

Back in the nineties there was a movie called City Slickers, starring Billy Crystal and Jack Palance.  Billy Crystal plays a white collar guy named Mitch.  He is married with children and is questioning whether or not there is anything important in his life.  He and two other friends decide to vacation out west and take part in a cattle drive.  Jack Palance plays a mysterious but intimidating cowboy named Curly, who wears a black hat and a red bandana.  He leads this bunch of city slickers with gruff reluctance.  In one scene. Curly and Mitch are riding together.  Because Mitch has suppressed his fear and made a stand against him, Curly has warmed up to him.  With a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, Curly says, “A cowboy leads a different kind of life…when there were real cowboys.  We’re a dying breed.  A couple of days, we’ll move this herd across the river, drive on through the valley…There’s nothing like bringing in the herd!”  “That’s great!  Your life makes sense to you!”  Mitch responds.  Curly laughs.  Mitch asks, “What’s so funny?”  Curly looks into Mitch’s eyes, “You city folks, you worry about alot of stuff!  How old are you?  Thirty-Eight?”  Mitch responds, “Thirty-Nine!”  “Yeah you all come up here around the same age, same problems.  You spend about fifty weeks a year getting knots in your rope, and then, and then you think two weeks up here will untie ’em for you.  None of you get it!  Do you know what the secret of life is?”  “No, what?”, Mitch asks.  “This…(Curly then lifts up one finger…his index finger).  Mitch asks quizzically, “Your finger?”  Curly responds, “One thing…just one thing!”  “You stick to that and everything else doesn’t mean squat!”.  Mitch asks, “what is the one thing?”  Curly shifts his cigarette, smiles, and says, “That’s what you got to figure out!”.  Curly, believe it or not, sounds alot like Jesus and the Apostle Paul!

In Luke 10:41-42  Jesus is spending the day at Martha and Mary’s house.  Martha is concerned about the meal; about the house;  about the timing for everything.  Mary is mesmerized and overwhelmed in the presence and proclamation of Jesus.  Martha finally explodes and demands that Jesus encourage Mary to join her in her frenzied activities.  Jesus spoke an important message to them, and to us.  He said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only ONE THING IS NEEDFUL, and Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken from her!”  Samuel Logan Brengle explains to us that one needful thing.  He said, “My greatest temptation in ministry is to attempt to accomplish something for Christ, before I have spent precious time with Christ!”    It is more than just time with Him.  He sent the Holy Spirit to come and indwell and annoint us.  His presence brings the presence and power of Christ into our person and practices.  That is why Jesus said, “without me you can do nothing”.  He also said, “After the Holy Spirit comes that greater things than I have done, ye will do, because I go to the Father!”  That is the secret to the genuine Christian life.  A.W. Tozer brought this out when he said, “The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is buried dynamite!  His power awaits discovery and use by the Church.  The power of the Spirit will not be given to any mincing assent to pneumatological truth.  The Holy Spirit cares not at all whether we write Him into our credenda in the back of our hymnals;  He waits for our emphasis.  When the Holy Spirit ceases to be incidental and again becomes fundamental the pow3er of the Spirit will be asserted once morfe among the people called Christians!”  (Tozer-The Divine Conquest),

The story is told of Plato coming to Socrates and asking him to teach him knowledge and truth.  Socrates took him out into the water.  Plato wondered what was the lesson?  As they got shoulder deep Socrates grabbed him and plunged his head under water.  He firmly held him under.  Plato began to squirm.  Then kick.  Then stuggle. Then finally Socrates let him up.  He came up gasping desperately for air.  Plato was furious.  What could be learned with that kind of lesson?  Socrates said, “When you want knowledge and truth as much as you wanted air-come back and I will gladly teach you!”  That must be how our Lord must feel with all of our pretenses of discipleship.  We show so little heartfelt desire to know Him as the One needful thing!  It was an athiestic philosopher Freiderich Nietzsche who pointed out the key to Christian life, believe it our not…he said, “The essential thing in heaven and earth…is that there should be a long obedience in the same direction; thereby results, and has always resulted in the long run, something that has made life worth living!”  As they say, “all truth is God’s truth”, even from the mouth of an athiest!

At the mid-point of the 19th century, a farmer has fed up with trying to make a go of it in Titusville, Pennsylvania.  His brother had invited him to sell the farm and come and join him in Canada, near the American border, working a new job skimming oil off the waters bordering the states.  He sold the family farm for $389.00 and left to work with his brother.  The man that purchased the farm found it strange that the cattle would not drink from the pond.  But he noticed that the previous owner had left a 12 foot two by four across the corner of pond.  If the new owner would rmove the noxious film off the surface of the pond, the cattle would drink.  After a few frustrating weeks the new owner had the pond examined, only to discover that the noxious film he had to skim off the pond was actually oil!  The original owner sold the rights to what would become the first great oil field, The Titusville, Pennsylvania oil field, to go work in Canada in the oil business, when all he left for was right there on his own farm.  We need to realize that as we look for secrets to the Christian life they are actually right there with us.  The one needful thing, Jesus, is available to all who desire Him and he can transform us by His ever-present eternal life made real to us via the Holy Spirit of the Living God.  Don’t miss the One Needful Thing!

 Posted by at 12:00 pm

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